Nah not dead just wishing I was.. I'm bloody sick. I have the flu. Not one of these pissey colds that some people call the flu as the smile at you. I'm talking, body aching, sweating, vomiting, diarrhoea, razor blades in my chest, coughing up stuff that I didnt know could come out of your body, runny nose, blocked nose dizzy, non eating flu.
I've had it since Sunday. (Which I will add I got whilst I was on a 12hr drive for work) Today is Thursday and im still sick..
Yeah im feeling sorry for myself..
I'm going back to bed!
PS: The flu is great for weight loss.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Not Dead
Posted by Cheryl at 8:44 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weekend Wedding Pics
Ohh dont you love a good wedding?
This was fantastic. Half of the people there didnt know there was going to be a wedding. In fact no one was supsoe to know but my sister inlaw has a bloody big mouth. The celebrant came and went during the meal. No one took any notice of him. We slipped away and got changed. The music started and out I came first with my little neice as the flower girl. (of course I was crying like a baby.) then the bridesmade cause I was the best man. Then the bride.. Everyone was in shock. Most people were crying too. It was a lovely service.., romantic, short and sweet.
The top pic is of my brother and myself...yeah it was later in the night.
The next pic is of Miss Feral 14, my girl Lucy.
And before I forget...look how bloody skinny I am..size 8 girlfriend!!!
All my family were shocked, and kept asking my secret to weightloss.. HaHa Ha.
I said, running my arse off, weight training and eating well.
Okies bedtime for me!
Have a great week! No doubt you will be hearing from me again. Donna tagged me..woohoo.
Posted by Cheryl at 8:22 PM 4 comments
What a ripper of a Weekend.
Hey All,
WOW what a weekend it was. A bloody ripper. As you know we had the christening of my nephew and now godson.. Isn't he cute? Well he does look better in the flesh.
I had my hair and make up done for the occasion. Hmm well for $130. I came away looking like a Hi5 wannabe drag queen on crack! Needless to say I fixed my hair a little and cleaned up the make up a tad. After this we went to the reception center for a feast.. Yep I did eat. I'm scared to weigh in the morning but you know what? I couldn't careless. Its not like I do it everyday. I love my shirt. It is a Alex Perry and Im not ashamed to say I almost spent a weeks wages on it. Shame I had to wear a jacket with it. (It was an Alana Hill jacket..yep bragging again)
Now check out the wedding post!
Posted by Cheryl at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
New Goal
Just to bore the shit out of you all, in this my non weight loss blog.
I have spoken to the one who knows best and we have decided that 60kgs is a good weight for me.
BUT I will add im still eating wedding cake on Sunday. Im best man for my brother..LOL
Also god mother to his little man....I'm so excited!
Pic will come...
Have a good weekend!
Posted by Cheryl at 8:39 PM 1 comments
Lost and Found
LOST: Another kilo Now 62kgs. Yay also at goal. Not sure if this if the final goal or not.. Maybe 60kgs will be. Is anyone ever happy with their weight?
FOUND: My new body under all the blubber, and my new found freedom that serious weight loss brings. I will blog about this some other time..
Have a fantastic week, I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow!! Yay!
BTW: If anyone finds that Kilo I lost people don't return it.
Posted by Cheryl at 8:03 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thanks So Much!
Thanks so much to everyone who left some really kind comments about my milestone.
I cant wait to show off my body at the Christening/Wedding this weekend.
Yep I'm wearing a size 8 dress. I will post pics early next week.
Miss Tiny Donna is going great guns with her weight loss. I'm so proud of her..
Hope all is well with everyone. I'm reading all the blogs.. Bugger all is new with me except..I weighed in at 62.4kgs Yayyy!
My new trainer is kicking my size 8-10 arse big time. She is fantastic...she does make me swear, that is when I can catch my breath. I'm lifting weights that are much heavier than I would even think of lifting. Thanks Miss W.
New post when something happens or early next week with pics.
Posted by Cheryl at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I have reached a milestone today.
I weighed in at 63kilos exactly.
WAS: 113kgs
NOW: 63kgs
Fucking good effort if I do say so myself.
**** Anyone notice that this is becoming another bloody weightloss blog???
Posted by Cheryl at 5:43 PM 6 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
I had to buy all new undies, cause they are all to BIG!
Earth shattering stuff....
Posted by Cheryl at 12:40 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ive Got A New Trainer.
Hey All,
A new challenge has started at the gym. Who am I to say no? After all I did win the last one at the gym...(Bragging) This challenge is 2 PT sessions a week and a written plan for the rest of the week. Yesterday was my first session.. OMG!! A serious weight session..I'm lifting much heaver weights than I have ever done. Goes to prove you can do much more than you think you can do. I mentioned to my trainer that I might do a cardio session on my dreadmil at home. She said to me. "No might Cheryl, You will!" This chick reminds me of a Staffy. She is a small ball of muscle, a sweet smile and personality until provoked, then she strikes.. LOL..When I looked at her with eyes like saucers, She said. Well you don't have to like me..LOL. She is SO what a I need. Someone who wont take any shit from me.
This morning I woke up so tired and hungry. I'm having a massage today, and im really looking forward to it.
I'm off to do a bit of shopping today. I don't think I have mentioned it before but on the 18th of May, I'm a Godmother to my nephew. The same day but different venue my Brother and his Girl are getting married. I'm a witness/ bridesmaid in that. I need to find something to wear. Of course im going 2 different outfits. I know for the wedding I have to wear a black dress. I do have one which will do but, any excuse to get some new stuff.
I'm looking for something plain but shows off my figure. My family give me the shits. (Aunts, uncles and cousins) My weight is always the topic of convo. Fuck i started loosing weight in 2000. Ive been a normal size for about 5 yrs... Get over it.
Usually when I say hi and kiss them, the look me up and down and say..ohhh yes she has put on a few Kg, the another will say, Do you think so? All while im standing there. If the subject comes up on the 18th, Im telling them all to FUCK OFF. Im an adult, and I feel I have the right to say as I feel. Mind you Im the smallest they have seen me right now...This is why I know for sure the subject will come up.
Ok off to the shops for me!
Posted by Cheryl at 9:55 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Weekend is over..Boooo
AHHHH, Weekend is over..way to quick for my liking. :(
I had the most relaxing weekend. We spent it at the farm. It was so peaceful. Telstra was doing its best to piss me off. The farms phone wasnt working again. 3rd time this year. I doubt we have made 5 calls all year. So if they charge me for rent, they will be hearing about it. Im not paying for something that doesnt work.
Don't I look stunning in the pic?? Yeah you know I do.The farm is as far away from Sydney fashion week at it gets.. That is Sam with me and Pixie is behind me, protecting me from any wild animals that should try to do me harm..Grin. To be honest I think she would run the other way!!
Im starting another challange at the gym today. This time it is 2 PT sessions a week, with weighins, fitness test etc. No doubt I will find out more when I have my first session this morning.
Well done to Miss TD for her loss in the past week! Go girl!!
I hope everyone has a fantastic week. No doubt you will be hearing from me again this week.
Posted by Cheryl at 9:27 AM 3 comments