Monday, June 30, 2008

Life is Fucked or is just my husband?

Isn't it funny how life goes along great the a sledge hammer hits you in the head?
The past few weeks have been a bit tense to say the least. My husband has been up me for the amount of money I have been spending over the past few months. Yep fair enough I have been alittle excessive. I agree. After 2 weeks of fighting, and reconciliation. I found out last night that my darling husband has been having an affair. I caught him as he went away for the weekend motorbike riding, yet he stayed in a B&B for $270 a night, the spent $120 on meals and about the same on drinks. Lots for a single guy huh? So of course I checked his phone and found strange numbers etc. He admitted it.
Right now I haven't slept since Saturday night. I cant eat. I keep vomiting.
I'm having a glass of wine as i type this. My heart has been ripped from my chest.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wax Much

Hmm today, Friday the 13th, yes something very ugly happened to me!
I was in the change rooms in Tarrgeee(Target)trying on a top and I felt my schmoo was a bit tender. It usually its alittle bit after a spin class (I worked like a dog at the one last night) and the bike riding Ive been doing didn't help, so I thought I would take a look.... FUCK!
Guess what I found....

GREY HAIRS.......OMG 3 of the buggers.. Fuck me! I'm sure I have a few on my head but considering I don't even know what my natural colour is any more, I had forgotten about getting grey ones up there.

Shit!! So what do I do? Go Brazilian or just enjoy the new flowers that have spouted in the garden of love?? But if I do that I will have to admit to myself that I'm closer to 40 than the 20 I feel.

Sigh.. Getting old is grand.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Burning Question

Can you loose weight off your Vajayjay? HMMM. The reason I ask is things feel different down there. LOL. Like breasy when I walk. Maybe its because my thighs don't rub any more. KatieP mentioned in her blog once about how her butt cheeks have a bit of space or something to those words. That has happened to me too.

I had a lovely weekend at the farm, cutting wood and other farm duties. Sheep are very fat and happy. Life is good now im well!!

I hope all is well with everyone.


BTW: If you are burning down there you should see a doctor LOL

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sex and the Ctiy

I was one of those people who manage to get opening night tickets to Sex and the City.
I had a great night with my girlfriends, and I even had a bag of lollies with Diet Coke of course..LOL

Wanna know what happens? Does Carrie marry Big?

Ok well what happened was Carrie......................................................




Email me and I will let you know...LOL

Weight today: 61.2kgs, I love it when you are wearing size 28 Sass and Bide jeans,looking shit hot when you see people who have been nasty to you!! Grin. Some times you don't need to say a word.. A look is enough.
I'm feeling much better now. Went to the gym yesterday, I had to go down a little with my weights but my trainer said it wont take long to get back up there again.
Have a fantastic long weekend (Does all of Aust have it?) I'm going to the farm for a few days.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Walking Wilma

As most of you know from past posts, I have lost my licence for 6 months for speeding. Well loss of points from speeding in fact, not doing something really silly.
Today was my first non licence shopping day. (I did loose my licence last Wednesday but was too sick to care, I'm feeling 90% better now) Its so amazing the stuff you notice when your walking. I don't live far from town, about 3-2kms, but I live in the country. On the side of town I live there are mainly farms. About 12yrs ago the farm we live on was sub-divided, so there are a few smaller blocks (less than an acre) and a few larger blocks (3 acres, like mine). Ours was one of the original farms hence the reason my house is about 80+ yrs old. Most of the burbs is on the other side of town where the newer homes and most of the new estates are. With me? Good.
I noticed that almost every car that pasted me slowed down to look at me. That there is a local bus service. I noticed that heaps and heaps of people smoke and that there are some weired people around. I guess i noticed as when I was in the main street I didn't have the safety of my car to go to. I was quite organised with where I had to go so I didn't have to back track too much. Bank, Pharmacy, fruit shop, supermarket etc. I got my fruit and veg delivered the same with my groceries. Meaning I had very little to carry home. I was about 150ms from my driveway, walking past a neighbouring farm, when a big truck stopped not far in front of me. There was no reason for this truck to stop there. Alarm bells when off in my head. I took heaps of notice of this truck, name and number on the side etc. The guy got out whilst watching me and got under the trailer. I made a wide birth past him and he wasn't doing anything under the trailer, just watching me. I quickened my step and he called out to me. "Have you got far to go with all those bags?" ( I had bugger all with me) I yelled nope I'm only a few houses away. He watched me walk all the way home, then drove off.
I wonder what would have happened if I didn't quicken my step or have taken a wide birth??
Just goes to prove you should listen to your sixth sense!!

BTW; Walking isn't all that bad and my arse is thanking me.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 7 of illness

It has been 7 days since I have felt like a human. I'm just starting to feel alittle better today. I'm telling you this flu has put me on my arse.
I don't understand why when I'm fit and healthy, I could get this sick. My whole family has it. Lucy is well now but Tom got it yesterday. Poor Pete is in Melbourne working with it.
As I have lost my licence, I was even too sick to get to the doctors, so I cancelled the appointment.
Tomorrow is another day! A well one I hope. At this stage I still think a gym visit is a few days away.
Thanks for every ones kind words.

PS: Katie, you look awesome, sorry for the lack of comments.