Hey All,
I'm off to Tassie on Monday to wrap up work things there. I'm excited to see all of my girlfriends again (and I'm about 10kgs slimmer since I have seen them).The thing I'm not looking forward to is the bloody weather. I kid you not the weather was one of the reasons why I wanted to leave. (It was a business decision that moved us in the end) The weather is going to be between 14 & 17 degs! That is our night temps at the moment. I hate the cold with a passion, I mean I serious hate being cold. Did I mention how much I HATE being cold???
Life is good almost every where else at the moment. The only trouble I'm having is one of those girly issues. I think I'm starting menopause. Things are wrong big time with my cycle. I'm having night sweats and I havent stopped bleeding for 2 weeks. I'm telling you that this is so not normal for me. I'm Lucky if my period lasts 3 or 4 days. I don't have time to go to the docs before I go, so I will have to sort it out when I get back. My mum thinks it just stress...who know?? Sigh.
Anyway enough for now....Seeya in about 7 days.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Its all Happening
Posted by Cheryl at 7:28 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Walking Wilma No More
Hey All.
Yes my dear readers my walking days are over. Tomorrow I'm legally allowed to drive. 6 months has gone so fast.
So how will I celebrate you ask?
Well I'm going to the pub for a few drinks, then do some blockies (or laps of the main st) like all the cool kids and to finish off I will do the biggest burn out that my Landcruser can do..LOL
The truth in fact is I'm doing all that stuff that I have been putting off until I can drive again.
Santa has come early to me, Indeed I did get what I asked for! I got it in white.
At this stage I will be in Tassie early next week to wrap things up there.
Life is good but busy, and hot. 34degs right now. We have had thunderstorms every night this week. I'm a really chicken when it comes to storms but I love them all the same.
Hope the sun is shinning in everyone else world.
Posted by Cheryl at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Cable Guy
Hey All,
As I'm sure I have mentioned in another post,(Sorry cant be bothered linking it)our business manager in Tassie has resigned. We have decided to close down our Tassie operations and bring it all to NSW. We have a cottage on our property (10sq) of which I'm turning in to the new headquarters of our company. Mainly so we don't have to pay rent for an office. I think it will work out fantastic as when i close the cottage door and walk to my house, I'm effectively leaving work, well that is the plan anyway. When we were quite small, I use to run the business from a spare room at home, but it gave me the shits as I never left home!!
Anyway back to the story at hand. I have been dealing with contractors of all sorts getting the cottage in to office mode. Ie: Builders for a new internal wall and a mezzanine level for storage. The cottage sort of look like a church. I will post pics soon. I also have to deal with painters, electricians and finally the cable guy. As our home was built in 1923 (or 24, I cant remember)the phone lines are only capable of running 2 lines. I need one for the house and 2 for the cottage, so therefore we need lay new cable. I had to get our services located (water, elect other phone etc) so we don't do any damage with the trenching machine. So out came the cable guy to do the locations and work out the best way to do it and what to do when talking to Testra. When he turned up he look familiar to me, yet I couldn't place him. We walked up the driveway (about 200 or so meters) and he almost tripped over. I did the best thing, I could think of at the time and pretend not to see it happen, all whilst trying not to piss my pants laughing. We did what we had to do there then he came to our meter box,where the phone lines go to and he hit his head really hard on the corner of the box. It must have really hurt but he started carry on like a kid,yeah fair enough it hurt, get over it lad! When my kids had a tantrum about stuff like this, I would give them a cuddle and say any blood? nah you will live. Usually all would be well and they would run off to play. So how did I handle the cable guy? I said "any blood?" Him "Nah" Me"Ok you will live" and just started talking about the job. No cuddle.
It was then I realised who he looked like.
Jim Carry from the Cable Guy.
Then I really laughed!!
Posted by Cheryl at 11:17 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
And the Winner is..............................
ME!! Well I won cause im a looser.. Yes my darling readers. Its official, that my team came last in the Wednesday Morning Ladies Tennis. We are the wooden spoon holders for season 2 2008. I have just got back from the lunch and presentation, where I received the wooden spoon and a pair of socks.
Last comp (earlier this year) I won the grand final. The teams are pulled out of a hat and you get who you get. I have no prob with that at all. As soon as I start hitting the ball really well and stop laughing its time for me to give up!
I also won the lucky door prize of a heart shaped cake tin. It is huge!!
Note the cobweb broom in the background. See sometimes I do do housework!!
Posted by Cheryl at 2:28 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday - A New Day
Good Morning to all,
Today is a new day to a new week. Life is looking up.
We had a great weekend. As the kids had sleepovers on Saturday night, Husband and I went to the farm on the motorbike. (Yes my arse is still sore) We had such a nice peaceful time. No Kids, No Dogs, No nothing! I slept so well, I seriously haven't slept like that for a long time. This is due the my change in thinking. You know that secret thing? You know the book, DVD etc, All about how they way you think is how your life will be? Well Im starting to think that im bring so much crap in to my life. During the 2+hours on the bike, I couldn't do much else but think. So many positive things have came of all the shit in my life.
Husbands affair Negative - Too many to list
Pos - I'm a much stronger, out spoken person now. He is MUCH nicer too me. Even to the extent that things will work with our marriage.
Feral Daughter - She as learnt to to trust boys who say she is gorgeous, drugs are bad. She is a changed kid for all this
House Robbed - They didn't come back and insurance covered new for old.
Dad died - This is a hard one, we were estranged (long story for another post) he decided that he had a new family and didn't want to see my brother and myself (I was 11) Nice huh? But anyway I have since found out that I have cousins who have been looking for me for about 20yrs or so. I have so many members of my family (Dad's side) who I haven't met. We are having a reunion in May when my cousin turns 40.
Son's teeth knocked out - Could have been worse.
STD -HHHMmmm Husband know knows that the whore LIED to him about not having sex for a long time..No positive to me, that I can think of.
Business manager leaving and me taking over - Well to be honest ive been doing 1/2 of the job for a while now, and as I benefit from my work I have nothing to loose, and heaps to gain, and I get a pay rise BoooYeeahh
I'm healthy, Kids are well, Husband is still alive.
Today is a new day. I CAN'T let past stuff eat me up.
So honestly life isn't all that bad..
Okies ive got heaps to today! Have a fantastic day!
Posted by Cheryl at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
I'm a grandmother!! :) :)
Don't ya just love babies? All didn't go as plan with the birth of a bundle. 6 were born and only 3 lived. Miss Minni really struggled with her labour and it ended in a Cesarean. Things were a bit messed up inside so she had to be spade at the same time. It doesn't worry me too much as seeing her do it so tough we wouldn't have breed her again anyway. Just when you think all is going well, it seems that our boy Sam isn't the dad after all..LOL She managed to get with a boarder collie when we were mustering the goats. On the plus side the dad is worth about $7000 as he is a champion sheep dog.
My son (12) went to the paediatrician for his bi annually check up. I'm sure Ive mentioned before that Tom is autistic. He is high functioning but in saying that its only been the last month or so that he can get his own clothes ready for school. 2 years ago he didn't know the order of the days of the week. But ask him a science question and he will know the answer and history of it.
Getting back to the appointment yesterday Tom was diagnosed with Noonan Syndrome
Not much has changed as he was born with it. The doc seems to think that kids with Noonan's usually but not always have autism or learning difficulties.
My main concern is that we know he has congenital heart malformation. We found this out earlier this year but now the Doc is concerned enough that he has to see a specialist in December.
I'm in all honesty I'm waking up most mornings and thinking "Fuck, What as life got in store for me today".
My life is becoming like Days of our Lives. All I need now is to be blown up in an explosion whilst I was helping needy children, When everyone thinks I'm dead, I come back as a ghost. Then to be found alive but paralysed whilst being help captive by a mad man. But all is well when I manage to take my first steps by walking down the isle to marry the man of my dreams.
The saddest part is everything I have told you about the past 6 months in my life is true. I can't just turn off the TV and laugh at the crap writers come up with.
I have cried so many tears of late I'm sure Ive broken the drought.
But when do I get to take my first steps of a new fun life????
Posted by Cheryl at 8:22 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunset at the silos.
This pic was taken on Saturday night at our sheep station. They are sad looking silos because they are empty :( No rain = no grain. The year before last we had 900 acres of oats, last year and this year we thought it was too much of a risk waiting for rain. Who knows what will happen next year.
So what's new in my life?? Hmm well where do I start? We have employed some new staff, so far so good. As I said in another post I can't believe how many drop kicks applied. People who didn't have a license when the add clearly said must have license.
And remember my husband affair? How could you forget right? LOL. Well..Hmm. I don't know how to says this so I'm just going to say it. I have got an infection from this affair. I feel like just as i start to get over it, something else happens..
So its a week of putting cream up the old vag! For fucks sake, I feel like I have ran over a china man!!
It's our 16th wedding anniversary tomorrow, Believe me when I say I don't want to celebrate it. This past year has been a bitch to say it nicely. Husband said but we have found each other again..(For fucks sake, I was always here!!) So if we do go out it will be to celebrate the future not the past. I didn't get him a gift this year, every other year I have, only a card. He is only getting the card because I feel guilty. Why?? I don't know.
Nothing happening on the fitness front. I really need to get off my arse. I'm sitting at 60kgs today. I do feel frumpy as I'm not moving too much.
Remember that little pup Sam? Well he is now 10 months old. Our bitch Minni came on heat 6 or 7 weeks ago. So me being a dickhead just let Sam do what he wanted with her, so it came as no surprise we are expecting puppies in the next 2- 3 weeks. They will be lovely pups, pure blue healers. I have told myself (and I will keep saying this) and the kids that we not keeping any. Right now 3 dogs is enough. We have the room to have more but its quite hectic when we go to the farm to fill the car with dogs and kids..LOL I will keep you updated when the bubs are born.
Enough for now.
Posted by Cheryl at 1:54 PM 5 comments