Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm a grandmother!! :) :)

Don't ya just love babies? All didn't go as plan with the birth of a bundle. 6 were born and only 3 lived. Miss Minni really struggled with her labour and it ended in a Cesarean. Things were a bit messed up inside so she had to be spade at the same time. It doesn't worry me too much as seeing her do it so tough we wouldn't have breed her again anyway. Just when you think all is going well, it seems that our boy Sam isn't the dad after all..LOL She managed to get with a boarder collie when we were mustering the goats. On the plus side the dad is worth about $7000 as he is a champion sheep dog.

My son (12) went to the paediatrician for his bi annually check up. I'm sure Ive mentioned before that Tom is autistic. He is high functioning but in saying that its only been the last month or so that he can get his own clothes ready for school. 2 years ago he didn't know the order of the days of the week. But ask him a science question and he will know the answer and history of it.
Getting back to the appointment yesterday Tom was diagnosed with Noonan Syndrome
Not much has changed as he was born with it. The doc seems to think that kids with Noonan's usually but not always have autism or learning difficulties.
My main concern is that we know he has congenital heart malformation. We found this out earlier this year but now the Doc is concerned enough that he has to see a specialist in December.

I'm in all honesty I'm waking up most mornings and thinking "Fuck, What as life got in store for me today".

My life is becoming like Days of our Lives. All I need now is to be blown up in an explosion whilst I was helping needy children, When everyone thinks I'm dead, I come back as a ghost. Then to be found alive but paralysed whilst being help captive by a mad man. But all is well when I manage to take my first steps by walking down the isle to marry the man of my dreams.

The saddest part is everything I have told you about the past 6 months in my life is true. I can't just turn off the TV and laugh at the crap writers come up with.

I have cried so many tears of late I'm sure Ive broken the drought.

But when do I get to take my first steps of a new fun life????



Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like things just keep going downhill. I hope things pick up again soon and you get some little miracles and the happiness you deserve.