Thursday, November 1, 2007

I think its going to rain!

Rain?? Whats that?? Just sometimes we get a little rain, but it mainly comes in the form of a thunder storm. Ohhh scary!! Yep I am scared of thunder. Yucky!!

Why does it always rain when you have doonas and quilts on the line??

Weightloss update. I hopped on the scales and I have put on 3kgs?? In a week? Nah. It is TTOM and I feel like crap but I just going to pretend that I didnt look and try again next week..LOL..cheating? you bet! do I care? Nope!!

Congrats to Em who is now a 60's girl....Im so proud of you honey!!
Also to Miss Tiny Donna who lost 1.6kgs this week!! Soon we will have to call her Miss Teeny Tiny Donna!! Fantastic work girls!! I have followed Donna's blogs for a while now and im so proud to say that I have never seen Donna give up. She is a super star in my book!

Son Update:::
He has his dressings changed yesterday the nurse was fantastic! Because he was a brave boy we had Macca's (Yep its poison and i really dont like it) for lunch. The nurse called me to say she was quite worried about his burn and wants a burns specialist to look at it on Fri morning. She thinks he might need skin grafts but it can take up to 3 weeks before they know for sure. My poor man, atleast it still isnt sore...Not sure if that is good or bad!!

Can anyone tell me how to put other peoples blogs on my site or do that link thing when I mention them? Im computer retarted! And im new to blogging!!

Ummm I think that is about it.

Cheryl x


Waffles said...

3kilos....ttom for sure!!! Not good for your little man. poor litle bugga, he's brave alright!!
I love thunder storms, and rain, we are desperate for it here!!

To put blogs on your site, just go to template-add a page element-then I think it is link list and just put them in there...Im hopeless at explaining but I reckon TinyD will be along and she can tell you better:)
