Thursday, November 8, 2007


YAY!! Yesterday my Mr C and I celebrated our 15th year Wedding Anniversary. OMG. I cant believe I havent killed him yet..Grin. We went to a really nice restaurant on Tues night. As always I ate to much and drank too much but the french champagne was too good to refuse!!
As 15yrs is crystal I brought Mr C some really nice Sturt crystal glasses. He love stuff like that.
And I got............................................................................................................................BUGGER ALL!!
Mind you this is quite normal for us..LOL. My husband works away most of the time but brings home seriously big bucks, so im quite spoilt. He NEVER, EVER asks what I have spent the money on or how much things cost. I use to get really upset that he didnt buy me things on birthdays etc, but as you get older and wiser, I know its because he doesn't get near shops or if he does he is in a truck and cant park the bloody thing. In saying all that though he does surprise me now and then with things so i guess it all comes out in the wash.

My man Mr 11 (Tom) had a check up with the doc yesterday and his skin grafts were a complete success!! Yay!! The plaster is off and the pain killers have been cut right down. (For a few days he was on 23 tabs a day!! it was seriously like having a new born, getting up though the night to look after him) Mums do this stuff because the love for your children is like no other!!

Now my life is getting some normality back i really need to get my shit together with my lifestyle. Im too scared to get on the scales. Ohhhh NOOOOEEEESSSS!!!!

On a brighter note, Im getting my nails done today. Im thinking blue tips!! Nice for a change. Pics will follow.

Cheryl :)


Waffles said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! 15years!! wow, we just had our 2nd!! and yep Ive wanted to kill

Thats great that Master 11 is getting better and the skin grafts worked, a load off your mind I bet.

I would be lost now without my treadmill..(dreadmill..hehe) and I need to kick my own ass when I eat shit!!!

Enjoy your nail appointment, blue sounds nice!!


Cheryl said...

Ohh Em you always have such nice things to say! Im so proud of you.
Im thinking of doing BFL.
C x