Friday, April 25, 2008

Its my party and I can cry if I want to.

Hello my faithful readers..Grin
ANZAC DAY!! Today is a day when im proud to be an Australian. I'm so thankful for what our diggers have done for us.
Today im thinking about those lost in the war and those overseas and at home serving for our country!!

Lest We Forget.

Today is my birthday...Yay.. 39 big ones!
I'm very lucky and spoilt this year.
I got a lovely T&CO.® triple drop pendant. It tried to get a pic of the net (My camera has died, hence no pics of late) but It wouldn't let me download it but here is the link if you want to have a look.
I also got a weight bench, bar and some more weights for my gym.
Some lovely earrings from my daughter, they look shit in the this pic. They are little balls. Very nice!
My son got me a top and some socks from Lorna Jane.
Yep we did a spot of shopping whilst I was in Melbourne.
I'm back home and not going to the farm for the weekend as one of our staff members let us down and didn't turn up for work, so my darling Husband has to stay back and finish the job. It has cost this wanker his job. He was on $30 (fulltime) an hour with a car. Not bad for an unskilled labourer huh? We pay good money and get dickheads!!!!

On a brighter note my sweet little Pixie has joined the family and everyone loves her. She is a sweet little dog.

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!!


BTW: I'm pleased to report that the pants I wore to the christening are a little too big and I now weigh 63.4kgs, not bad huh?


Anonymous said...

fuck woman happy birthday!!!!! oh i am such a dick and in the rush of everything forgot to ring you!!!!

happy birttthhhdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love coming your way soon! lucky duck... T&Co yippeee.

hope u enjoyed the movie too hehe

Esstarr said...

Happy Birthday Cheryl! Good pressies I see.


Waffles said...

Lovely pressies!!!! I hope you had a great day!!!!! Happy Belated Birthday:)


KatieP said...

Happy belated birthday Miss Cheryl
I hope you had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday darling,

you are fabulous
