Friday, February 27, 2009


Today was horrific to say the least. As I'm sure you are aware I have a son Tom who has high functioning Autism. Tom is 12yo about 5'6 and 63kgs. He is taller than me. He has just started yr 7. Autism kids (and adults) really cant cope with change. For some it is something as small as the teacher being sick and having a replacement. This whole new school and routine thing has really upset Tom. So far since school has started in late January, Tom has been suspended once and been in way too many fights. He gets picked on at school and was beaten up by 3 boys on the bus last week. People with Autism don't have very good social skills. They don't understand the unspoken rules of life, if you know what I mean.

This morning Tom had a complete meltdown. He was throwing punches at me, calling me a slut and a whore and anything else he could think of. All because he wouldn't get off the computer to have a shower before school. I finally got him in the shower, dressed, and in the car. On the way to school,I was hit in the head, spat on and called names. When I stopped at the school he tried to drag me in the back to beat me up. I just kept thinking I need help. So I drove straight to the hospital. Tom wouldn't get out of the car. I told them in emergency what happened, with that 3 ward guys came down, drove the car around and carried him in to the hospital. I cried so much. It killed me to see that happen to my child. After an injection he calmed down and was himself again. The paediatrician came down to see him. He is our private paed, I called him earlier this year because I knew the medication wasn't working as Tom had grown so much since his last check up. i tried to get an appointment but couldn't get in to next month. Our health system is that bad! I have private cover,I almost $200 each time to see the doc and I still have to wait 3 months to see him.
We have agreed on changing his medication, time will tell.
It is now almost 8pm and Tom is still sleeping off the drugs.
My heart breaks :(


Anonymous said...

oh chezza, that is a fucking hard day.

big hugs, you are doing the right thing and you're a great mum.


Anonymous said...

Keep at it babe.

He can't be doing that to you. It's not ok.

You are a great mum, you'll get through this. You're right, he needs the right meds.

Sue x

Cheryl said...

Kitty:It was a shitful day!
I know im doing the right thing.
Thanks for your support.

Miss S: For so long ive been telling myself its ok, Im coping.Its got to the stage that I have to admit to myself that its not ok. Today was that day. I am doing the right thing.

KRISTIN said...

I'm so sorry to hear Cheryl... sounds like a very frightful experience and I can only imagine your heart is breaking. We were all kids once and I know how shitty we can all be... I hope things look up. Keep your chin up xoxox

Friday said...

Babes.. Im thinking of you.
I have no idea what to say except
Im so glad you asked for help, sometimes you need it.
You're doing a great job.
Much love (and respect) to you.

TitanThirteen said...

[[HUGS]] :o/
I have 2 kids with Aspergers. My oldest daughter, Alix, is living in Brisbane. She has a lot of unpredictable anger issues and can't live in the house with the 2 younger kids.[But it took a long time for me to admit defeat!]
My son Jason has it too. He doesn't need medication yet, and may not ever. But he is a real stickler for routines so i feel for both you and Tom with that.
What S said is right, you are obviously a great mum, and very strong [[MORE HUGS]]