Thursday, February 19, 2009

Still alive.

Life is SO busy! Right now I hardly have time to scratch my arse, but I'm not complaining. Work is flat out, I mean seriously flat out. I have been to Melbourne twice in the past 2 weeks, I'm off to Yass on Monday. I'm so loving my job. I no longer feel like a brain dead Mum , who worked now and then. I'm seriously kicking arse. I was so scared when we closed out Tas office, I thought I was too dumb to do the job. I'm a fucking champion (this is what my husband called me the other day).
Talking about offices, mine is finally finished. 20grand later *sigh*. I'm really thrilled at how it turned out. I will take some pics for you.

Driving down the Hume hwy, I was blown away by the fire damage you could see from the road. Houses completely flat, others just burnt out shells, and the home next door not touched. My heart goes out to everyone involved.

My cousin (by marriage)lives in Kinglake. Her home is OK but they stayed in a paddock for 2 days thinking everyone around them was dead. They are very traumatised.

We donated $500, and I always put change in a collection tin, I have the feeling I need to do more. These poor people. I really hope the government is thinking about these people's mental health. Just heartbreaking.

Anyway enough for now...I'm alive, life is good, busy busy, my kids are driving me nuts! Life is great!



Chris H said...

As you say, many many people must be traumatised by their experiences... it is so sad for so many.

Cheryl said...

It is so sad Miss C :(

TitanThirteen said...

Gee you have been busy! All you can do for the victims is what you have done. There should be services set up for these people. It would be very dissopointing if there isn't!