Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mowing, Tennis Elbow and Nails

Hey Hey Its Saturday! Remember that show? Grin. I really like mowing the grass! sick yeah? We have to use a ride on as we have 3 acres here, it really doesnt take that long, About an hour or so with out the orchard, Yep I have an orange orchard. About 70 trees. It picking time about Jan Feb, yep of course the bloody hottest time of the year. Believe me when i say life is never easy nor simple for me. I have mowed half of the orchard, and will finish this weekend. Mind you all this is Mr 11's job. Bloody kids! I would much rather use a push mower. Why I hear you ask? Because it is work everyone leaves me alone!! Just incase i ask them to do some for me! LOL.
Yep as the title says i have Tennis Elbow, I have had it for about 6 weeks, after 2 massages, i decided to go to the physio. Now i am supporting a bloody ugly band thing on my are. She said to rest it?? WTF?? Its my right arm for fucks sake. Im sad to say that my tennis career is over for this year, so Leighton your spot is safe.
Im just loving my nails, with the pink tips, Em I will get you a pic very soon. Im not very good with all this tec stuff so it takes me a while to get my shit together.
New chooks are doing great.
I have so much shit going on in my life right now, most of which i dont post here, but maybe i should, just maybe someone is going though what i am and can offer advice.
I took Miss 14 to the docs yesterday as she has self harmed herself a few times, but cutting. The doc thinks she might be Bipolar. OMG!! she is only 14?? Fuck..


Waffles said...

Oh no Cheryl, that is awful for your daughter.. Im actually taking my 13yo to the councellor on Monday, he has Bipolar, scitzophrenia,(s/p) on his dads side and Im worried he might have had something passed down to him to?? It is a worrying time tho? But as my mum says, the professionals are there for a reason?

Take care

(im sick today with a bloddy tummy bug..yuk)