Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Hey All,

Pics follow. These were taken today by Miss 14 who would rather be doing something else.
I have a odd look on my face because I was talking and had the sun in my face when this was taken!
Will get some better ones soon.
I had a sneaky weigh today, 66.3kgs, Yeppers but I wont change my scale thingy until Monday.
I played tennis 2 sets of doubles and 1 of singles, and as always I got my arse kicked. Im a B1, which is the top player for B grade but I really think I should be a B2.
Went to the gym and ran 5kms on the tready. I honestly believe that it is easier on the tready then on the road, maybe because I know i can stop when I feel like it rather then having to make it all the way back home.
Enough for today.
Cheryl :P
PS: Note no whining today, im not always a cranky old scrubber!


Almatina said...

Hello From Spain!

Anonymous said...

wow hun you look awesome! goooooo team!

i cant believe how tiny your waist is i would give anything to have your gorgeous bod hehe

xx luv ya!

Waffles said...

Lookin good chickie!! I much prefer the treadmill too, I think because you can stop if you need too:p

You'll have to show us your nails too!! I have the other hand to do today sometime???

Have a great day!
