Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The rollercoaster is slowing down,,,,I think,,

Its 3.40am as I type this. Sleep is something that was once a distant memory. I'm lucky to be getting 3 hours a night since this happened. I've gone from disbelief to rage, hurt, and back again. He told me he wanted to get his road bike registered so he could ride it again. I was the one who did all the work to get this done. As I don't have a licence, I had to walk all over town getting, a pink slip (roadworthy) and green slip (3rd party insurance, yes NSW is fucked the way they do this stuff.) and to the RTA many times as i didn't know I had to do all this stuff. All so he could meet with his pensioner (thanks for that word Kitty..LOL) Yes my friends this woman was in her 50's LMAO. To think I was worried that I found 3 grey pubes. I feel like smashing this bike with a hammer. This bike is a GSXR1000. Worth more than many cars. This was how he got to meet his nanna.
But do I lower myself to this...I think not. I am a survivor, I'm strong, I'm woman hear me roar. My husband is or should I say was quite controlling. This had changed. The ball is in my court now. I told him I'm no longer that down trodden wife, who he wouldn't let work outside our company, or have any real friendships. I feel like getting my hair cut really short, or something different for me because im now a different person. The only think that is stopping me is that my hair takes 100yrs to grow so if I hate it, I'm stuck with it.
Right now I hate him and wont take any of his phone calls. When we do talk, he keeps saying that he is so sorry and he fucked up.
But I wonder...Is he truly sorry for hurting me? or sorry for getting caught? or sorry the fucking million dollar plus payout that I would be getting if I left him?
Time will tell.....
Thank you all so much for your support. There arn't any quick and easy answers to this problem, only time. Lucky Ive got plenty of that.


Anonymous said...

don't cut it short - get a new colour or highlights, that way you aren't totally fucked if you hate it.

fuck controlling husbands. that is the worst shit a woman can be stuck with.

down with stupid little men and their insecurities. you are a strong, intelligent, independant woman and you will be ok.

let that silly old whore have her fun, as if he is going to be there on her 60th.

like fuck he will.

but chezza, kitty is always there for you. cause baby, you hot.



emharvie said...

OMG Cheryl I don't know what to say.
Em xxx

Waffles said...

Don't cut it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shit Ive missed a bit, sorry to be reading this Cheryl, what a fucking shock?? I bet he is sorry for getting caught, men are all the fucking same! Controlling cunts are the worst, and I know all about them:)

Hugs to you, you are a strong woman and you need to put up with no more shit...



Cheryl said...

Thanks so much girls, Im winning the war let me tell you. I have found out so much using phone bills, recipts, and credit card statments. Fuck hes dumb to leave a paper trail. He always says I was a bit doppy..whos the dickhead now? LOL