Monday, October 29, 2007

Farm Antics and Bad Parents

Hello on this lovely Monday,

First school morning of daylight savings.. EWWW.. It is still quite early but once i wake the kidlets it will get VERY ugly!!

How funny are these signs?? As i mentioned before we have a sheep station, it is seriously in the arse end of nowhere. There are a few nutters around, odd people , people hiding from life, and the occasionally normal person living near by. A station about 60kms from us has these signs up...I laughed so much. The police made them take it down about a month later. (Yep things happen slow in the bush!

We had a great time on the weekend. Miss 14 had 2 of her friends with her. We hardly saw them, they were swimming in the dam, driving the farm ute and riding motorbikes.

Motorbikes...Hmmm, this is where the bad parenting comes in the play.

My kids have been brought up with motorbikes, they arnt even allowed to look at one without a helmet on. Up until recently we always made them wear long sleeves and pants. It was quite hot on the weekend and we let out son ride with only a tshirt and jeans. (Bad parents)

Mr C and master 11 were checking fencing about 10kms from the house when master 11 crashed. He didn't look that bad, nothing broken, battered and bruised with a nasty graze on his right forearm. Mr C brings the lad in for me to patch up. (Mind you Mr C had done a first aid course the weekend before, but as always its my job to clean up the mess after all the fun)

My poor man was white but not really crying. We sat him down gave him lots to drink and panadol and begun to check him out. His arm looked yuck but wasnt bleeding, and beleive it or not not sore at all!! I washed his arm with saline and coved it with a nonstick pad thingy, and put a cold pack on it. After we picked the millions of prickles out of him he wanted to go riding again, but we told him nope!!

The next day it looked alittle better and we were coming home the same day anyway.

So last night i took him to the hospital for a check up. After bloody hours of waiting, I found out it was a sever burn...OMG!! WTF??? so of course we had a cranky nurse who said that despite the fact we were almost 3 hours from the nearest hospital we should have brought him in. Made me feel like an arsehole. Fuck if i knew how bad it was of course i would have got him help!!!! The doctor was great though, all he kept saying was...gee its deep. The nurse who treated it was fantastic. My boy was scared (thanks to bitch nurse) that he would have to have his arm cut off!! Mr 11 is Austic, he is high functioning though but needs to have things explained to him in black and white, he us ally doesnt understand jokes. I told him at the worse he would need a op for skin grafts but i think that would be most unlikely, then he was cool with it all.

I understand that nurses are overworked and very underpaid, i honestly have the upmost respect for them but for fucks sake she could have had some compassion with my boy and not get up me so much. I thought i was doing the right thing. She said we should have ran it under running cool water for half an hour. We have DAM water!!!! more yabbies and germs than what was in the bloody burn!! we did treat it and cool it down for about an hour. Anyway im over it now.

We find out in 72hours if he needs grafts, most likely not and we are off the burns unit on Tuesday!! Sigh.
The top photo is of our station from the air, well its not all of it but the homestead paddock.
Im still not sure about how to move pics around yet, but i will work it out sooner or later.
This pic was taken before we owned it, and we are pleased to say that it has heaps more grass on it now, as we have rested it by keeping only a small amount of stock on it and held off the cropping for a few years.
So that was my weekend!! Nothing like a bit of drama huh? The story of my fucking life Grin
Cheryl x

Friday, October 26, 2007

Spin Class and Nails

Em, Here are my nails, look at my granny hands!! I use to get called granny hands at primary school. Next time i will go for a brighter colour. As I've said before I always have french, so this is nice for a change!

This a pic of gods gift to spinners LOL A gel bike seat cover! My arse didn't hurt this time, I even did a full spinners class! Yep and hour of the fucking thing!! You know what? I loved it too!
After the first class i almost needed to sit on one of those donut pillows!!

Isn't this a sensational photo? Yep it is of a rose in my garden, and I even took it, yay go me!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!
I'm off the farm this weekend to get the sheep in a smaller paddock ready for crutching next weekend! I call it a farm but its really a sheep station, all 33,000 acers of it. Lucky we don't have to mow it Grin!
I will have farm pics next week!
Cheryl :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Weight Loss Success

G'day G'day,
Yeppers i have has some success, 1.8kg loss, in about 2 weeks.
How did i do it?
Celebrity Slim.
AHHHH I hear you say!!!
Yep I know its a fad diet, and it doesn't work. Last time I looked this IS working.
Yep I know I can do it forever. Like I would want too anyway

Well as you can see from my weight loss, I have done a bit of it. I have really hit a patch where I need a shake up!
I plan on only doing this for another week or too, then its back to the good old faithful healthy eating plan.
So there...........
I have been working my arse off at the gym though. I did my first spin class yesterday. It was a spin combo, which was spin and weights. Mind you I looked like a dickhead only using weights for some of the moves because of my elbow, but i didn't care.

Miss TinyD, have you got any spin tips for me, as it is something I would like to do again. My arse is so sore today but not so much my legs.

Daughter is doing really well, We went to the flicks last night to see Death at a Funeral. Have you seen it?? Bloody funny!

Mr 11 is away on a school camp, and husband is away for work! I cant believe how quite it is around here!!!

With all this warm weather here in NSW, My garden is looking bloody sensational if i do say so myself. I will post pics very soon, maybe even today.

Okies enough crap,
Take care

Cheryl xx

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mowing, Tennis Elbow and Nails

Hey Hey Its Saturday! Remember that show? Grin. I really like mowing the grass! sick yeah? We have to use a ride on as we have 3 acres here, it really doesnt take that long, About an hour or so with out the orchard, Yep I have an orange orchard. About 70 trees. It picking time about Jan Feb, yep of course the bloody hottest time of the year. Believe me when i say life is never easy nor simple for me. I have mowed half of the orchard, and will finish this weekend. Mind you all this is Mr 11's job. Bloody kids! I would much rather use a push mower. Why I hear you ask? Because it is work everyone leaves me alone!! Just incase i ask them to do some for me! LOL.
Yep as the title says i have Tennis Elbow, I have had it for about 6 weeks, after 2 massages, i decided to go to the physio. Now i am supporting a bloody ugly band thing on my are. She said to rest it?? WTF?? Its my right arm for fucks sake. Im sad to say that my tennis career is over for this year, so Leighton your spot is safe.
Im just loving my nails, with the pink tips, Em I will get you a pic very soon. Im not very good with all this tec stuff so it takes me a while to get my shit together.
New chooks are doing great.
I have so much shit going on in my life right now, most of which i dont post here, but maybe i should, just maybe someone is going though what i am and can offer advice.
I took Miss 14 to the docs yesterday as she has self harmed herself a few times, but cutting. The doc thinks she might be Bipolar. OMG!! she is only 14?? Fuck..

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Hey All,

Pics follow. These were taken today by Miss 14 who would rather be doing something else.
I have a odd look on my face because I was talking and had the sun in my face when this was taken!
Will get some better ones soon.
I had a sneaky weigh today, 66.3kgs, Yeppers but I wont change my scale thingy until Monday.
I played tennis 2 sets of doubles and 1 of singles, and as always I got my arse kicked. Im a B1, which is the top player for B grade but I really think I should be a B2.
Went to the gym and ran 5kms on the tready. I honestly believe that it is easier on the tready then on the road, maybe because I know i can stop when I feel like it rather then having to make it all the way back home.
Enough for today.
Cheryl :P
PS: Note no whining today, im not always a cranky old scrubber!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another Day!

Hey All,
Im starting to feeling alot better after my month of so of sickness. I did a weight and core class at the gym today and then ran 4kms. Im still not as fit as I was but I really dont think im that far away from it.
Today I got some chickens!! I love chooks, I had them when I lived in Tassie. I went to the local grain and feed store to pick them up and people were carrying them by the legs, in tiny cardboard boxes. Not me, ohh no no no. I picked them up in towel lined cat cages. Im sure the guy thought I was a dickhead, but hey Im an animal lover. My girls are only 3 months old so a few more months and we will have yummy fresh eggs. I do have a bit of a zoo here, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 4 chickens, 2 kids and husband! Ohhh yes I also have 250 sheep at the farm.
Beautiful here day 25degs, but shit we need rain! Fucking flies, I dont think I have ever seen them this bad.
Well that is my whine for today.
Keep smiling everyone!

Cheryl :P

PS: Today is KatieP's birthday!! Go Katie, Happy Birthday running star!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Have Been Away!

Hey Everyone!
Yep as the title says I have been away. Some serious retail therapy has been done! But a girl has to do what a girl has to do.*Grin* It was lovely to catch up with my family, in Melbourne. Im a Melbourne girl at heart. I lived there for 25yrs them moved to Tassie for 11yrs and now im in country NSW. Anyway back to shopping. I fucking hate the size thing!! How can I be an 8 in sussan jeans yet a 12 (almost 14) in Tommy Hilfiger?? This shits me to no end! Im so sick of taking 3 sizes to the change room. Yep I know ive put on 2kgs of late but shit i dont need this bullshit of not knowing what size I am. I just say im a 12 and start from there. And dont get my started on bloody undies. Why is that you can get 8-10 and 12-14?? 8-10 is too small and 12-14 is too big!! I also hate security guards! I went to Target, and the beeper thing when off when i walked in, the security guard called me over, he checked my bag, asked me to walk though again, it didnt go off, them he asked me to come back and walk again, You guessed it Beep it went. He then asked me to go to customer service and get desensitised?? WTF?? There were 10 people in line with returns...Now i got cranky, I said im not lining up to go in to Target!! One look at my portfolio would show that i dont need to shop here and nor would I bloody need to steal from fucking Target!! Miss 14 (who is more of a smartarse than me at times) suggested that maybe he stripped search me on the the way out..LOL. With that i told him to get fucked and walked in. Ohhh gotta love a smartarse kid. LOL, so i was pissed off that i didnt even have a look, just followed Mr 11 around looking at playstation games.

Nothing better then a good whine!!

I did have a great time in Melbourne, I always do. Ate so much crap so it will be interesting to see what I weight tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow the Kids are back at school and its back to healthy eating and exercise for me.
I brought one of those Ipod + Nike things so im looking forward to using it. I was running 6.5kms most days but I got a viris thingy that put me on my arse for almost a month so im hoping it wont take me too long to get back to where i was.

Pics are on the way, Miss 14 has lost the bloody camera!! She is cleaning her bedroom as we speak so she should find it, unless the family of rats that im sure have set up home under her bed are using it!

Have a great week!!
Cheryl :-)

Friday, October 5, 2007

This is me 3yrs ago weighing 59kgs, With Mr C, we won an award for our buisness. Dont I look hot!! If i do say so myself.
I will endevor to get a pic of me now sometime very soon.


This is me in about 2000 weighing about 113kgs, Yep im on the left!!!

Another Day!

Hey All,
Another day in paradise for me. Going to be 27deg today. I have just got back from a run. The results are below. Alittle better than yesterday but plenty of room for improvement. Im not too worried as i havent ran for 3 weeks cause ive been crook. I was running 6.5ks in about 50 mins.
THANK YOU so much for the welcome KatieP. (sorry i dont know how to do the link thing to your site yet, but i will endervor to find out.) I am in ore of you and many other bloggers , another is Tiny Donna. As i said before i have been lurking for a long time, maybe a year or so, so i do know alittle about you guys.
Ok my story.
Im 2000 i was 31yo weighing 113 plus kgs. (I weighed myself 6 weeks before i started changing)
I had PND, but still the lunches of bigmac, cheeseburger, chips, sundays, coke and the odd nuggets were the blame. I was to blame, but of course i blamed everyone and everything else.
So I decided to stop eating crap, and here i am. It hasnt always been plain sailing. Loose 10kgs put on 2, you know the story. But 7 yrs later i weigh 67kgs but 4weeks ago i was 65kgs, so the circle doesnt seem to be ending. 3yrs ago i was 59kgs. I will try to post pics. I have done WW about 8 times, (this is how i found Tiny D) I am now a WW life timer. Mind you i dont believe 100% in WW. More stories for future posts.

As for running. I run because i can.!!!! at 113kgs i could hardly walk. Im serious i use to get so tired all the time.
A few months back i did a 5 week, 3 days a week bootcamp. OMG, (I will go in to the details of that another time), but basically i cried for the first week, then i thought, well i can cry or i can get off my arse and try, now i can, i will and i do!

Have a great day!
Cheryl x

Ave HR 150
Max 198
Cals 245

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My First Post

Hey All!!
Im Cheryl. I have been lurking in the bloggerworld for a while now and thought it might be time to add to the world of blogging.
Don't expect any witty humour, I think at this stage it will mainly be my whining..LOL. And boy do i have enough of that too do! Grin.
I have taken up running over the past few months. I have been sick for the past few weeks, so all I have done is feel sorry for myself (Im bloody good at it too!!)
I have just finished my firt run for 3 weeks. The really sad results that my trusty polar heartrate montior have told me are below. :-(

Enough for now!

Im sure your bored shitless reading this but I did warn you!
Cheryl x

Ave HR 147
Max HR 178