Friday, February 27, 2009


Today was horrific to say the least. As I'm sure you are aware I have a son Tom who has high functioning Autism. Tom is 12yo about 5'6 and 63kgs. He is taller than me. He has just started yr 7. Autism kids (and adults) really cant cope with change. For some it is something as small as the teacher being sick and having a replacement. This whole new school and routine thing has really upset Tom. So far since school has started in late January, Tom has been suspended once and been in way too many fights. He gets picked on at school and was beaten up by 3 boys on the bus last week. People with Autism don't have very good social skills. They don't understand the unspoken rules of life, if you know what I mean.

This morning Tom had a complete meltdown. He was throwing punches at me, calling me a slut and a whore and anything else he could think of. All because he wouldn't get off the computer to have a shower before school. I finally got him in the shower, dressed, and in the car. On the way to school,I was hit in the head, spat on and called names. When I stopped at the school he tried to drag me in the back to beat me up. I just kept thinking I need help. So I drove straight to the hospital. Tom wouldn't get out of the car. I told them in emergency what happened, with that 3 ward guys came down, drove the car around and carried him in to the hospital. I cried so much. It killed me to see that happen to my child. After an injection he calmed down and was himself again. The paediatrician came down to see him. He is our private paed, I called him earlier this year because I knew the medication wasn't working as Tom had grown so much since his last check up. i tried to get an appointment but couldn't get in to next month. Our health system is that bad! I have private cover,I almost $200 each time to see the doc and I still have to wait 3 months to see him.
We have agreed on changing his medication, time will tell.
It is now almost 8pm and Tom is still sleeping off the drugs.
My heart breaks :(

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wedding Announcment

I can FINALLY tell you all some news.

Some of you may know TinyDonna, who use to blog sometime ago.

I received this email:

Last night Andy and I announced to the family that we were married on 18th November 2008 in Murray, Kentucky.

We eloped at the courthouse and were married by a judge.

We are very happy and plan to live in Australia together for the foreseeable future. Andy is currently living with our family in Boronia and we will look at moving out after we get immigration sorted in early April.

I promised Donna I would not tell until she had told her family.

I am so thrilled for both her and Andy. Please feel free to leave any comments for her on here, Im sure she will check!

Ring hanging out!

OMG!! life goes from bloody boring to having my ring gear hanging out! (Ring gear hanging out is one of my husbands saying! I don't know what being busy has to do with your arse showing *shrug*) I haven't had a day off for 2 weeks, I need to say NO! I worked all week within the company, then I worked for a friend in her truck stop for 12 hours on Saturday. She said she just needed to pop over to a larger town to do some shopping. As I said 12 hours later she came back. Talk about take advantage! When I say working, I mean I was cooking and cleaning all bloody day! Then I had to drive 2.5hrs home. Sunday I caught up on work I didn't get done on Friday. I had to be in Yass at 9am on Monday for a meeting, which meant a 4am start. Hey Jen, I should have driven a little longer to catch up with you! I got home after 6pm, then yesterday I had a meeting in Gundagai, yeah you know where the dog is on the tucker box? got home at 7pm. Today is a leisurely day in the office. I feel I need a months sleep to catch up. A few early nights is in order I think. Whist all this is going on my Son got the crap beat out of him by 3 bigger kids (2 girls & 1 boy) on the bus. He wouldn't go back to school until today :( I have an appointment with the Principal to see what can be done. And at long bloody last my daughter has a job! I have been nagging her to get a job so she knows the value of money. The poor kid is at Macca's for about 6 bucks an hour. It goes up after 3 months to about $9.00. I think its really important for kids to know how hard money is to earn. A valuable lesson for a 15yo.

love to all


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Still alive.

Life is SO busy! Right now I hardly have time to scratch my arse, but I'm not complaining. Work is flat out, I mean seriously flat out. I have been to Melbourne twice in the past 2 weeks, I'm off to Yass on Monday. I'm so loving my job. I no longer feel like a brain dead Mum , who worked now and then. I'm seriously kicking arse. I was so scared when we closed out Tas office, I thought I was too dumb to do the job. I'm a fucking champion (this is what my husband called me the other day).
Talking about offices, mine is finally finished. 20grand later *sigh*. I'm really thrilled at how it turned out. I will take some pics for you.

Driving down the Hume hwy, I was blown away by the fire damage you could see from the road. Houses completely flat, others just burnt out shells, and the home next door not touched. My heart goes out to everyone involved.

My cousin (by marriage)lives in Kinglake. Her home is OK but they stayed in a paddock for 2 days thinking everyone around them was dead. They are very traumatised.

We donated $500, and I always put change in a collection tin, I have the feeling I need to do more. These poor people. I really hope the government is thinking about these people's mental health. Just heartbreaking.

Anyway enough for now...I'm alive, life is good, busy busy, my kids are driving me nuts! Life is great!