Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Big Brother.

I can't get channel 10 here, as I live in the arse end of nowhere. (Ok so its not the arse end but when im in my heels I can see it.)

I love Big Brother...Yep sad but true.

Is there anyway of watching it online????. I know they have the website and stuff, but I want to watch the daily show.

Life is back to normal...but for how long?

Hey all,
Life is back to normal...but for how long?
As I have said in a previous post school holidays mean travel for me. Mainly because Im not bound to working or doing stuff during school hours. Now the kids are back to school, life slows down alittle for me.
Last week I went to Melbourne twice!! Lucky I love driving and road trips.
Talking about driving, the dreaded letter came yesterday.

Dear Mrs Cheryl,
The law requires that a driver licence must be suspended if the holder has incurred 2 or more demerit points for offences committed during a period of good behaviour.
As a consequence of incurring the demerit points off the offences listed below, your unrestricted Class C driver licence will be suspended on and from 28 MAY 2008 for a period of 6 months.

You have been a bad girl. Bend over and get your arse smacked, and don't drive your (or anyone elses) bloody car!!!

SIGH!!!! So my bike is going to the shop for repairs, and it will be leg power all the way..LOL

It is so cold here right now, Im talking 9 deg. I HATE winter with a passion...HATE HATE HATE.

Hope everyone is well...


PS: Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to leave me a happy birthday comments, texts and phone calls. It was very sweet of you all!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Its my party and I can cry if I want to.

Hello my faithful readers..Grin
ANZAC DAY!! Today is a day when im proud to be an Australian. I'm so thankful for what our diggers have done for us.
Today im thinking about those lost in the war and those overseas and at home serving for our country!!

Lest We Forget.

Today is my birthday...Yay.. 39 big ones!
I'm very lucky and spoilt this year.
I got a lovely T&CO.® triple drop pendant. It tried to get a pic of the net (My camera has died, hence no pics of late) but It wouldn't let me download it but here is the link if you want to have a look.
I also got a weight bench, bar and some more weights for my gym.
Some lovely earrings from my daughter, they look shit in the this pic. They are little balls. Very nice!
My son got me a top and some socks from Lorna Jane.
Yep we did a spot of shopping whilst I was in Melbourne.
I'm back home and not going to the farm for the weekend as one of our staff members let us down and didn't turn up for work, so my darling Husband has to stay back and finish the job. It has cost this wanker his job. He was on $30 (fulltime) an hour with a car. Not bad for an unskilled labourer huh? We pay good money and get dickheads!!!!

On a brighter note my sweet little Pixie has joined the family and everyone loves her. She is a sweet little dog.

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!!


BTW: I'm pleased to report that the pants I wore to the christening are a little too big and I now weigh 63.4kgs, not bad huh?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Again.

Hey all
Its Sunday again!! Comes around so quick.

I have had a flat out week, its school holidays here in NSW, so for me that means travel.

We spent the earlier part of the week in Canberra, a few days at home then the weekend at the farm. We has an awesome time in Canberra, just not long enough.

I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow for a few days, then home for one then the farm for 3..Yay! I love my life.

I know your all going to hate me for saying this but its so bloody nice not to be tied down to a 9 to 5 job. Mine is flexible, so flexible that I work when I want to.
The bonus for being your own boss I guess.

Remember my darling little man Sam? Well when I was the gym on Friday, I saw the vet nurse. I was talking to her about Sam and about a little red healer pup called Pixie.
Pixie is the runt of the litter, her Mum is the Vets dog. Anyway sweet little Pixie, still hasn't got a home and she is 5 months old. She is tiny, I mean tiny. She is smaller than my corgi, My man Sam towers over her and they are the same age.
I mentioned this little pup to my husband. He said that is sad.
I forgot about it and went on with my day. The next day husband said to me, Well what time do you pick up Pixie?? I laughed and said what are you talking about? He said well I know you want her, go and get her!! I told he she was $250, he said, So?, she's yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I picked up my new daughter on Saturday, I'm SO in love. She wants me to carry her around and loves cuddles, Lucky I love giving them to her.
So little Miss Pixie is coming to Melbourne.. Yay!! Photos soon.

I really think im becoming an animal hoarder..I'm serious!!
Last count:
4 Dogs.
3 Cats
4 Chickens
2 Hermit Crabs
200 sheep
4 Cows
1000 goats
2 Kids (My kids not the goats..Grin)
1 Husband.

No more animals for me, well domestic ones anyway, I will get some more sheep and cows and no doubt the goats will breed.

On the weight loss and fitness side, I'm looking shit hot!.
Not as skinny or as fit as others who blog but I'm looking the best I've looked for a long time. I'm feel fit, healthy and strong.
This girl at the gym, who I hardly know, more or less just a hi, how are you? sort of relationship, isn't talking to me. In fact totally ignoring me.
I asked around and its because when she sees people make progress she gets shitty.
She works out all week, then eats crap and drinks too much...Only herself to blame.
So Miss C, if your reading this..FUCK OFF CAUSE I LOOK HOT!!!

Its my birthday on Friday( Yes all of Australia can have a long weekend for me, Funny how Anzac day is the same day. Huh?) Im 39. Its my last year of being in my 30's. When I turned 30 I was so stressed out about it. Im really excitied about turning 40.
My 30's have been the best years of my life and I honestly think my 40's are going to be even better!

Have a fantastic week my friends.

Will post again later in the week if I get a chance.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Your Body Image is 24% Unhealthy, 76% Healthy

You're body image is quite healthy, though you're sometimes a little bit too hard on yourself.

Chances are you've got a rockin' body - so enjoy it!

Stolen from Nikkid

Im How Old?

You Act Like You Are 30 Years Old

You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

You're responsible, wise, and have enough experience to understand a lot of the world.

You're at the point in your life where you understand yourself pretty well.

You are figuring out what you want... and how to get it!

I am 30 something!! LOL

Stolen from Nikkid

Friday, April 11, 2008

I am a WINNER!!

Hey Hey
Yep I'm am a winner..with a capital W.
Why I hear you ask?
I don't really blog much about my weight and fitness stuff but this post is going to be about just that.
If you have a look at my ticker above, (Is ok, I will wait while you look)
I have lost a shit load of weight. Was 113kgs (8yrs ago) Now 64.6 today.
I have been doing a Mothers Challenge Boot camp.
3 days a week for an hour at a time running, weights, boxing etc.
I was really hoping it would be full of overweight women who have just dropped out a baby in the last day or so. This would give me a fighting chance.
But nope...most were young (Hmmm) and slim with alittle pot belly. There were a few who were alittle bigger than me.
Today at our end of challenge coffee morning, I was presented with the over all winning prize of a massage and detox sauna and spa treatment at one of the nicer spas in town!!
Over all in 6 weeks I have lost 16.5cm off my body and 4kgs!!
And guess what???
So I'm feeling quite smug today and you never know I might even bore you with a few more weight loss and fitness posts..
I have to thank the lovely Liz for all her help with my eating, and I also have to thank my legs for letting me run so much.

Have a great weekend all. I'm going to be the traveling woman over the next week or so. I'm going to Canberra on Monday and Tuesday. Hobart from Thurs to Sunday if all my meetings go ahead. So stay tuned!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

2 Posts in one day!!

Stolen from Miss Tiny Donna

You Are a Comma
You are open minded and extremely optimistic.
You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.
You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.
(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark">What Punctuation Mark Are You?

Fuck im fantastic!! Arn't you lucky you know me?? LMAO

An amazing elephant story...

In 1986, Dan Harrison (see picture above)was on holiday in Kenya after graduatingfrom Northwestern University.On a hike through the bush, he came acrossa young bull elephant standing with one legraised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed,so Dan approached it very carefully.He got down on one knee and inspected theelephant's foot and found a large piece of wooddeeply embedded in it.As carefully and as gently as he could, Dan workedthe wood out with his hunting knife, after which theelephant gingerly put down its foot.The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Dan stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled.Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Dan never forgot that elephant or the events of that day. Twenty years later, Dan was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenaged son.As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Dan and his son Dan Jr. were standing.The large bull elephant stared at Dan, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter in 1986, Dan couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant.Dan summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Dan's legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly .Probably wasn't the same elephant.