Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its all Happening

Hey All,
I'm off to Tassie on Monday to wrap up work things there. I'm excited to see all of my girlfriends again (and I'm about 10kgs slimmer since I have seen them).The thing I'm not looking forward to is the bloody weather. I kid you not the weather was one of the reasons why I wanted to leave. (It was a business decision that moved us in the end) The weather is going to be between 14 & 17 degs! That is our night temps at the moment. I hate the cold with a passion, I mean I serious hate being cold. Did I mention how much I HATE being cold???

Life is good almost every where else at the moment. The only trouble I'm having is one of those girly issues. I think I'm starting menopause. Things are wrong big time with my cycle. I'm having night sweats and I havent stopped bleeding for 2 weeks. I'm telling you that this is so not normal for me. I'm Lucky if my period lasts 3 or 4 days. I don't have time to go to the docs before I go, so I will have to sort it out when I get back. My mum thinks it just stress...who know?? Sigh.

Anyway enough for now....Seeya in about 7 days.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Walking Wilma No More

Hey All.
Yes my dear readers my walking days are over. Tomorrow I'm legally allowed to drive. 6 months has gone so fast.
So how will I celebrate you ask?
Well I'm going to the pub for a few drinks, then do some blockies (or laps of the main st) like all the cool kids and to finish off I will do the biggest burn out that my Landcruser can do..LOL

The truth in fact is I'm doing all that stuff that I have been putting off until I can drive again.

Santa has come early to me, Indeed I did get what I asked for! I got it in white.

At this stage I will be in Tassie early next week to wrap things up there.

Life is good but busy, and hot. 34degs right now. We have had thunderstorms every night this week. I'm a really chicken when it comes to storms but I love them all the same.

Hope the sun is shinning in everyone else world.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Cable Guy

Hey All,
As I'm sure I have mentioned in another post,(Sorry cant be bothered linking it)our business manager in Tassie has resigned. We have decided to close down our Tassie operations and bring it all to NSW. We have a cottage on our property (10sq) of which I'm turning in to the new headquarters of our company. Mainly so we don't have to pay rent for an office. I think it will work out fantastic as when i close the cottage door and walk to my house, I'm effectively leaving work, well that is the plan anyway. When we were quite small, I use to run the business from a spare room at home, but it gave me the shits as I never left home!!

Anyway back to the story at hand. I have been dealing with contractors of all sorts getting the cottage in to office mode. Ie: Builders for a new internal wall and a mezzanine level for storage. The cottage sort of look like a church. I will post pics soon. I also have to deal with painters, electricians and finally the cable guy. As our home was built in 1923 (or 24, I cant remember)the phone lines are only capable of running 2 lines. I need one for the house and 2 for the cottage, so therefore we need lay new cable. I had to get our services located (water, elect other phone etc) so we don't do any damage with the trenching machine. So out came the cable guy to do the locations and work out the best way to do it and what to do when talking to Testra. When he turned up he look familiar to me, yet I couldn't place him. We walked up the driveway (about 200 or so meters) and he almost tripped over. I did the best thing, I could think of at the time and pretend not to see it happen, all whilst trying not to piss my pants laughing. We did what we had to do there then he came to our meter box,where the phone lines go to and he hit his head really hard on the corner of the box. It must have really hurt but he started carry on like a kid,yeah fair enough it hurt, get over it lad! When my kids had a tantrum about stuff like this, I would give them a cuddle and say any blood? nah you will live. Usually all would be well and they would run off to play. So how did I handle the cable guy? I said "any blood?" Him "Nah" Me"Ok you will live" and just started talking about the job. No cuddle.
It was then I realised who he looked like.

Jim Carry from the Cable Guy.

Then I really laughed!!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And the Winner is..............................

ME!! Well I won cause im a looser.. Yes my darling readers. Its official, that my team came last in the Wednesday Morning Ladies Tennis. We are the wooden spoon holders for season 2 2008. I have just got back from the lunch and presentation, where I received the wooden spoon and a pair of socks.
Last comp (earlier this year) I won the grand final. The teams are pulled out of a hat and you get who you get. I have no prob with that at all. As soon as I start hitting the ball really well and stop laughing its time for me to give up!

I also won the lucky door prize of a heart shaped cake tin. It is huge!!

Note the cobweb broom in the background. See sometimes I do do housework!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Please Santa...

Ohh Please Santa, Could I have one of these??

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday - A New Day

Good Morning to all,
Today is a new day to a new week. Life is looking up.
We had a great weekend. As the kids had sleepovers on Saturday night, Husband and I went to the farm on the motorbike. (Yes my arse is still sore) We had such a nice peaceful time. No Kids, No Dogs, No nothing! I slept so well, I seriously haven't slept like that for a long time. This is due the my change in thinking. You know that secret thing? You know the book, DVD etc, All about how they way you think is how your life will be? Well Im starting to think that im bring so much crap in to my life. During the 2+hours on the bike, I couldn't do much else but think. So many positive things have came of all the shit in my life.

Husbands affair Negative - Too many to list
Pos - I'm a much stronger, out spoken person now. He is MUCH nicer too me. Even to the extent that things will work with our marriage.

Feral Daughter - She as learnt to to trust boys who say she is gorgeous, drugs are bad. She is a changed kid for all this

House Robbed - They didn't come back and insurance covered new for old.

Dad died - This is a hard one, we were estranged (long story for another post) he decided that he had a new family and didn't want to see my brother and myself (I was 11) Nice huh? But anyway I have since found out that I have cousins who have been looking for me for about 20yrs or so. I have so many members of my family (Dad's side) who I haven't met. We are having a reunion in May when my cousin turns 40.

Son's teeth knocked out - Could have been worse.

STD -HHHMmmm Husband know knows that the whore LIED to him about not having sex for a long time..No positive to me, that I can think of.

Business manager leaving and me taking over - Well to be honest ive been doing 1/2 of the job for a while now, and as I benefit from my work I have nothing to loose, and heaps to gain, and I get a pay rise BoooYeeahh

I'm healthy, Kids are well, Husband is still alive.

Today is a new day. I CAN'T let past stuff eat me up.

So honestly life isn't all that bad..

Okies ive got heaps to today! Have a fantastic day!


Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm a grandmother!! :) :)

Don't ya just love babies? All didn't go as plan with the birth of a bundle. 6 were born and only 3 lived. Miss Minni really struggled with her labour and it ended in a Cesarean. Things were a bit messed up inside so she had to be spade at the same time. It doesn't worry me too much as seeing her do it so tough we wouldn't have breed her again anyway. Just when you think all is going well, it seems that our boy Sam isn't the dad after all..LOL She managed to get with a boarder collie when we were mustering the goats. On the plus side the dad is worth about $7000 as he is a champion sheep dog.

My son (12) went to the paediatrician for his bi annually check up. I'm sure Ive mentioned before that Tom is autistic. He is high functioning but in saying that its only been the last month or so that he can get his own clothes ready for school. 2 years ago he didn't know the order of the days of the week. But ask him a science question and he will know the answer and history of it.
Getting back to the appointment yesterday Tom was diagnosed with Noonan Syndrome
Not much has changed as he was born with it. The doc seems to think that kids with Noonan's usually but not always have autism or learning difficulties.
My main concern is that we know he has congenital heart malformation. We found this out earlier this year but now the Doc is concerned enough that he has to see a specialist in December.

I'm in all honesty I'm waking up most mornings and thinking "Fuck, What as life got in store for me today".

My life is becoming like Days of our Lives. All I need now is to be blown up in an explosion whilst I was helping needy children, When everyone thinks I'm dead, I come back as a ghost. Then to be found alive but paralysed whilst being help captive by a mad man. But all is well when I manage to take my first steps by walking down the isle to marry the man of my dreams.

The saddest part is everything I have told you about the past 6 months in my life is true. I can't just turn off the TV and laugh at the crap writers come up with.

I have cried so many tears of late I'm sure Ive broken the drought.

But when do I get to take my first steps of a new fun life????


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sunset at the silos.

This pic was taken on Saturday night at our sheep station. They are sad looking silos because they are empty :( No rain = no grain. The year before last we had 900 acres of oats, last year and this year we thought it was too much of a risk waiting for rain. Who knows what will happen next year.

So what's new in my life?? Hmm well where do I start? We have employed some new staff, so far so good. As I said in another post I can't believe how many drop kicks applied. People who didn't have a license when the add clearly said must have license.

And remember my husband affair? How could you forget right? LOL. Well..Hmm. I don't know how to says this so I'm just going to say it. I have got an infection from this affair. I feel like just as i start to get over it, something else happens..
So its a week of putting cream up the old vag! For fucks sake, I feel like I have ran over a china man!!

It's our 16th wedding anniversary tomorrow, Believe me when I say I don't want to celebrate it. This past year has been a bitch to say it nicely. Husband said but we have found each other again..(For fucks sake, I was always here!!) So if we do go out it will be to celebrate the future not the past. I didn't get him a gift this year, every other year I have, only a card. He is only getting the card because I feel guilty. Why?? I don't know.

Nothing happening on the fitness front. I really need to get off my arse. I'm sitting at 60kgs today. I do feel frumpy as I'm not moving too much.

Remember that little pup Sam? Well he is now 10 months old. Our bitch Minni came on heat 6 or 7 weeks ago. So me being a dickhead just let Sam do what he wanted with her, so it came as no surprise we are expecting puppies in the next 2- 3 weeks. They will be lovely pups, pure blue healers. I have told myself (and I will keep saying this) and the kids that we not keeping any. Right now 3 dogs is enough. We have the room to have more but its quite hectic when we go to the farm to fill the car with dogs and kids..LOL I will keep you updated when the bubs are born.

Enough for now.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

For Kitty and Gypsy.

These are for Kitty and Gypsy. Print these out and stick them on your scales.

BTW: I did steal these off the net, they arent my work.. Ohh I is bad!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Drugs are bad MMKayy..

Well not these sleeping ones. I slept so well last night. I feel fantastic, and no hangover. No swearing today, cause im not cranky. My kids are thrilled!!

Tennis this morning. My team is in the running for the wooden spoon this comp. Every season they change around the teams. Last comp I won the grand final.. LOL.

Ths Sun is shining and its going to be about 33deg. God I love summer. Bring it on.

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doctor Shopping.

Nah not really Dr Shopping. I think my usual Doc was sick of my whining and had a day off cause she knew I was coming in.. LOL. Nah not really, she is on holidays.
Life will be looking up soon, I have drugs, yep yummo sleeping ones. Mr Doc says cause of all the stress I have got myself in a bad sleeping pattern (yeah I knew that one and he still charged me $55)and the tablets will help me fix it.
Thank fuck for modern medicine huh?

PSSSSS Any one wanna buy some?? Joke Joice!
I'm so bloody tired that my jokes aren't even funny...sigh.

I had lunch with a lovely girlfriend today and her new saying is C U Next Tuesday...Fuck I laughed.

So to all who are pissing me off right now.. I shall C U Next Tuesday!!

Ohh Bo, you are such a delight, must be all that bubba making that has been going on..Grin.


The no sleep rollercoaster

I can't sleep AGAIN!!!!
and it's giving me the shits bigtime!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I had a comment from someone I don't know but quite happy to know. Anyway I was reading Miss Storms blog and there was some talk about telling the truth in blogworld.
Well im here to tell all 2 readers of this blog that I have not lied once on this blog. I have no reason to lie. I have met a few from the blogworld and they would know if I have lied.
Some truths about me:
I'm 39.
2 kids who sometimes I could bury in the orchard!! but I love with all my heart
Yeah I have an orange orchard
Live in rural/regional NSW Where doesn't matter much.
Im a size 8.
Have lost 55kgs.
Weigh today 59.8kgs
I use to be a happygolucky kinda girl but since my husbands affair im a cranky old cunt, who wont take shit anymore.
My kids say I frown alot now.
I use to be blonde but as im a cranky cunt now, I have changed to short dark hair.
Im so fucking sick of people riding on my coat tails.
We own and run a roads work company and Im so sick of dealing with fuckwads, im ready to scream
BUT, im a nice person deep down and yeah im full of myself! LOL

There are heaps more truths about me but I can't be bothered saying anymore.

Ohh and I get my licence back in 5 weeks, but who's counting!!

And thanks for reading Jen, even if it was to laugh at me.

Happy Kitty?, another boring post to read!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Noll Burger

Quick post.
Last night I went to see Shannon Noll. Yes laugh as much as you like. Long story of how I came to get a ticket, but the fact is I went even when I wasnt really a fan.
Guess what? Im now a fan. He was a fair dinkum Aussie, a really nice guy who I would bonk anytime.
End of Post.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Awake is the new sleep!

Hey Guys,
I'm not sleeping all that much these days. I know it's from stress.
Before all that stuff with my husband happened, I could almost sleep for a week. LOL
I go to bed about 9pm so tired, asleep by 9.30pm awake at 2.30ish am, then im up for the day. I find when this happens I get in to a non sleep pattern. This is when I get really emotional and make silly mistakes.
Any ideas of how to change this?? I do have sleeping tabs that I took after I found out about Pete's affair. As I only slept about 2 hours every second night for the first week until I went to the docs for the tabs. I really don't want to take them if I don't have too.
I'm still doing interviews, so far I have 3 really great guys who will be fantastic for our company. I can honestly say I have never met so many bullshitting dickheads in my life. I had one guy rock up to the interview, not having washed his hair for a week or more, riding a pushbike from the tip. He told me he was a non drinker but had a licence but no car as it is easier to get around on the bike then he wont get caught for drink driving!!! For Fucks Sake!!!
I have just found out that the office manager has sold all of our office furniture when he moved offices,(I cant remember being told about this.) So basically I have to fit out a full office when I move it here in Dec. He said all he has is a fileing cabinet and the computer??? Then how does the office run? Does he sit on the floor?? I'm telling you there will be hell to pay when I get over to Tassie and see what is really going on.
Note to self: Stop trusting so many people!!
Peter is so pissed off. We gave this guy 25 grand 3yrs ago to help build his new home inlew for a rented office at his home. It was a gentlemans handshake. Im not sure what we will do about the money owing. Time will tell. I need to get the office here then deal with all that.
My weight is still doing ok. I hover between 58 - 59kgs. I was down to 57kgs but it has crept back on. People have asked how I have kept it off with everything going on in my life. The answer is walking. Remember Im walking Wilma as I wont get my licence back until Nov 28! I walk 6kms just to check the mail. I try to eat really well with only a smallish treat every day. Sometimes I think the more you look in to all of the weightloss stuff the harder you making it for yourself, but that is another post.
A big congrats to Bo and Mrs Bo, they are expecting their first bub!! Yay! Better you than me!
Talking about Bubba's I think my Blue healer Minni has a belly full of legs..LOL The dad would be our other Blue dog Sam, So they will be pedagree pups. If im right she will be due in about a month or so.
Hope all is well with everyone, Im still reading all the blogs but as always not saying much.
Love to you Em! (((hugs)))

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Job Hunters

Thanks for the lovely comments I received for my last post!
As our company has won a large contract for the next 12 months, we need to hire some staff members. OMG! I wonder if people can read, or do they just want to say they rang so they can get the dole for another month. The advert clearly said, Must have drivers licence. I kid you not I have had about 10 people call and say, well Ive lost my licence and I will get it back in 6 months, or I have my L's will that do. No it won't do. We need someone who can drive a company vehicle. I'm sure i will get cancer of the brain as I have spend countless hours on the phone sussing people out.
I have a few who will be good I think. Interviews start tomorrow.
Life is going along good, well what else can go wrong? LOL
I'm planning a few trips to Tassie to finalise our office change over to NSW. We use to live in Tassie for 11yrs before we moved to NSW 3yrs ago, hence the office manager still in Tassie. (Until Dec) Its such a pain in the arse but exciting all the same. I will have to get my brain out of mush mode and in the real world. My job is the basic accounting etc but it is also implementing our quality assurance system for all our jobs. This is where the brain power will come in to play. I know I can it cause I'm a strong woman and can do anything I put my mind too. (lots of self talk is happening here..LOL)
The sun is shining and the whole family is fit and well. Cant ask for more than that.
Boy its good to be back!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back from the Brink

Hey All,
I know you missed me!
Thanks for everyones emails checking up on me. I'm doing fine thanks.
So many things have happened in my life since my last post. I will just list them in point form.
- Husbands affair
(I now have a new husband, He has changed so much, time will tell if this lasts)
- Found out daughter (now 15) has been smoking drugs, drinking, smoking, having sex.
- Daughter had a party when we were out and our house got trashed
- House broken in to and stuff stolen.
- Son (now 12) had his front teeth knocked out at school.
- My Dad died.
- Got a phone call from my twin cousins (on my dad's side) that have been looking for my brother and I for about 20yrs
- Our business manager is leaving at Xmas, so now I'm the new manager and I have to work full time :( Fucking sucks, but at least im the boss and can work my own hours and I get a pay rise.
- Haven't been to the gym fro 4 months and my fitness has left the building.
- Weight is still good, im 59kgs.

Now don't you all wish you had my life!!!!!

I now know that im one fucking strong woman! It's amazing the inner strenght you have when you really need it.

I will post more later


Thursday, July 24, 2008

My life thus far.

Well, where do I start. It has been one hell of a month.
I have gone from a blubbering mess on the floor, almost begging him not to leave me to where I am now.
Pete took a week of work and we spent it at the farm. Almost everything that was said was from me. I guess there isn't much he could say, but he did try to blame it on me. I wasn't there for him emotionally, I spent too much money so he had to work harder to pay for mine and the kids lifestyle. Rah Rah fucking Rah.
You know what? I'm NOT to blame. I didn't call her, I didn't have dinner with her on many occasions, I didn't put his dick in her on more than on occasion. I am NOT to blame. He is 46yo. He has a brain and made his own choices.
The thing that I'm so angry about is, the first week we started fighting about money, he picked on me cause I was too skinny, not good enough at the housework, garden etc. That week I groveled like a fucking kicked dog. He asked me to get his motorbike resisted, cut his hair, etc. All so he could get away to see Carol quickly on Saturday morning. I feel I did all I could to get them together without me knowing. All whilst sucking up his arse. This can not be forgiven.
Now it is his turn to grovel. I have told him that I need to fix my world, not our world. I need to work on ME and what MY needs in life are. He is part of my life NOT my whole life. Same as the money, house, farm, company etc. I think he has shit himself that I'm finally after all these (20) years I'm sticking up for myself. Right now I understand that just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to stay with them if your not happy.
I'm starting counseling next week. Right now I feel strong and healthy, but I know I'm not really, as I'm still using tablets to sleep and it is always on my mind.
I was obsessed with where they went, how long they spoke on the phone etc. None of that matters, I was just punishing myself over this. It really doesn't matter the fact is that HE did it of HIS own free will.
I feel such an invasion of privacy as I know they spoke about me alot, Our company has a website with my photo (and its the worst one) and my mobile number as well as things I have done for the company. She knows SO much about me.
As far as I know he hasn't contacted her for about 3 weeks, well not on his mobile anyway. I told him that if he did, I will not negotiate and I'm gone.
After adding up mobile calls, some dinners (still waiting for the visa statement) B&Bs drinks and loss of wages as he was with her, this little affair has cost us about $6000. Looking at receipts she didn't pay for a thing.
If she contacts him or is in our life in any way revenge with start.
I will put all her details (name, home mobile and work phone numbers, work address) on blog page. I have spoke to another blogger who is willing to do the same. I will out those deails on every comment I make, and comment on blogs from overseas or anything I come across. I will email her boss, and send letters and finally pay a visit to her when im in the area distributing pamphlets of what sort of a person she is to all her neighbours. If she stays aways, she will be safe from my rage.
I still weigh 58kgs, I'm looking smoking hot. Have a new short hair cut and colour. I know Pete will hate it but life is all about ME so I don't care.
I will start back at the gym next week and getting life back to normal.
I'm still dealing with my kids, they have been very hurt and confused about all this.
I will keep you up to date with my life.
Thanks again for every ones support.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Life is alittle brighter.

Life is looking up. I'm not going to go in to all the details here, but I do know that this little romance with the pensioner was only going on for about 2 and half weeks. I have access to all the phone records credit card statements etc. I know much more than the thinks I do. I even have found out where the woman works. So If need be I can upset her lovely life. Right now I choose not too. She is what I like to call the snot in a cold. Pete and I have the cold, she is the snot. No cold = no snot..LOL
We have spend hours and hour and hours talking. I honestly believe things will work out. If not then I know I have tried 10000% with the marriage and that its not meant to be. Its a time will tell thing.
I'm on sleeping tablets now and im weening myself off them this week, I'm starting to be able to eat again. This is not worth getting myself sick over, I need to be well and strong for both my kids and myself.

On another note, I was in Bunnings today, looking for a new pot for my fav African Violet and low and behold, the manager walked up to me and offered me a job. LMAO.
At this stage it is for stocktake but who know what will happen. (Mind you somehow I dont think Bunnings if for me) So I took the job.
So the sun is shining again, and we are both doing our best to keep the clouds away.

Thank you so much Miss Kitty. I have missed ya hard bitch!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Is Life Really Fucked?

I still don't know. I'm still riding this roller coaster. Still not sleeping. Eating bugger all. It's so hard to work this stuff out when my Husband is away and won't be home until about Wed. He did say he will take a week off to spend time with us.
I understand why he did it but I can't accept that he did do it...Make sense?
One day I'm all agreeing on trying to work things out, the next day we are trying to work out a suitable payout so we don't have to go though the courts in the divorce.
He admits it was SO wrong what he did but why can't we move on and forget about it? he doesn't understand how violated I feel.
I'm not a 100% angel in this marriage. I do take him for granted etc... Maybe its because I hardly see him. Maybe 1.5 days a week or fortnight. I think we have both forgotten what the word marriage means. We are reaching for the stars to set ourselves up for the rest of our lives and grabbing more than one, but our relationship is suffering almost beyond repair.
I have decided to get a job. For many reasons, I'm the bored rich housewife who's brain is going to mush. Also I feel in contributing to the finances, not just spending them. Mind you I do work a full time job, helping run the company and bring up 2 kids. Not to mention the bloody zoo we have here.
I'm a qualified swim teacher!! In fact I'm an Austswim assessor. I have worked hard to get this qualified. I can work casually, earn a few buck, work the brain and FREE GYM!!
Any thoughts?

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Before I forget, Look how bloody skinny I am? check out that ticker. Fuck stress is great for weightloss! I use to hear people say that, but I use to always eat when I was stressed. In a way its a shame this didnt happen 10kgs ago, that way I wouldnt have had to bloody dieted so much..LOL
Yes my readers you have to laugh.

I am a WINNER!!

Morning all. Yet again its a non sleeping night. I tend to go to sleep about 11 and wake about 12-1am and that's it for the night. Its 2am LOL
Yesterday I had my tennis grand final. I'm a B grade player, and have said when I stop laughing and start getting serious about it all, that is when I'm giving the sport up.
Right now I'm loving it and the woman I play with. (Get your head out of the gutter Kitty!! LOL)
As the title says I'm a winner. Yep our B grade Ladies Wed Morning team won!
We play one singles match, ( I won 6-5, with a great come back from being down 4-1)
Then by the time I finished the first doubles match, we had won on points. Being a good sport and despite the rain, we still played out second doubles game.
Gee I really noticed how my fitness as come along. I think we won because we out ran them and wore them out, not a damn thing to do with skill. LOL
I got a gift voucher at the local handbag shop for my efforts.
Would you also believe that I won 2 raffles..LOL During our end of season luncheon we have a continuous raffle. I won a platter and make up bag.
I honestly had the best day out that I have had for a long time.

Not to mention the fact that for once in my life I have my husband groveling to me, not the other way around.

I feel empowered and liberated!!!

Using phone records, I have found out that this all started about the 10th of June. I did notice that an old phone bill was laying around a week or so back and he was checking it out. Something he never does.
I found out all the info as I have online billing!!
Once the credit card statements come in I will be able to work out where the took her etc. I know he would use this card as due to the nature of our business all these are tax deductible.

Once again thank you all so much for all your support. Its wonderful to be able to vent on here.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The rollercoaster is slowing down,,,,I think,,

Its 3.40am as I type this. Sleep is something that was once a distant memory. I'm lucky to be getting 3 hours a night since this happened. I've gone from disbelief to rage, hurt, and back again. He told me he wanted to get his road bike registered so he could ride it again. I was the one who did all the work to get this done. As I don't have a licence, I had to walk all over town getting, a pink slip (roadworthy) and green slip (3rd party insurance, yes NSW is fucked the way they do this stuff.) and to the RTA many times as i didn't know I had to do all this stuff. All so he could meet with his pensioner (thanks for that word Kitty..LOL) Yes my friends this woman was in her 50's LMAO. To think I was worried that I found 3 grey pubes. I feel like smashing this bike with a hammer. This bike is a GSXR1000. Worth more than many cars. This was how he got to meet his nanna.
But do I lower myself to this...I think not. I am a survivor, I'm strong, I'm woman hear me roar. My husband is or should I say was quite controlling. This had changed. The ball is in my court now. I told him I'm no longer that down trodden wife, who he wouldn't let work outside our company, or have any real friendships. I feel like getting my hair cut really short, or something different for me because im now a different person. The only think that is stopping me is that my hair takes 100yrs to grow so if I hate it, I'm stuck with it.
Right now I hate him and wont take any of his phone calls. When we do talk, he keeps saying that he is so sorry and he fucked up.
But I wonder...Is he truly sorry for hurting me? or sorry for getting caught? or sorry the fucking million dollar plus payout that I would be getting if I left him?
Time will tell.....
Thank you all so much for your support. There arn't any quick and easy answers to this problem, only time. Lucky Ive got plenty of that.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Life is Fucked or is just my husband?

Isn't it funny how life goes along great the a sledge hammer hits you in the head?
The past few weeks have been a bit tense to say the least. My husband has been up me for the amount of money I have been spending over the past few months. Yep fair enough I have been alittle excessive. I agree. After 2 weeks of fighting, and reconciliation. I found out last night that my darling husband has been having an affair. I caught him as he went away for the weekend motorbike riding, yet he stayed in a B&B for $270 a night, the spent $120 on meals and about the same on drinks. Lots for a single guy huh? So of course I checked his phone and found strange numbers etc. He admitted it.
Right now I haven't slept since Saturday night. I cant eat. I keep vomiting.
I'm having a glass of wine as i type this. My heart has been ripped from my chest.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wax Much

Hmm today, Friday the 13th, yes something very ugly happened to me!
I was in the change rooms in Tarrgeee(Target)trying on a top and I felt my schmoo was a bit tender. It usually its alittle bit after a spin class (I worked like a dog at the one last night) and the bike riding Ive been doing didn't help, so I thought I would take a look.... FUCK!
Guess what I found....

GREY HAIRS.......OMG 3 of the buggers.. Fuck me! I'm sure I have a few on my head but considering I don't even know what my natural colour is any more, I had forgotten about getting grey ones up there.

Shit!! So what do I do? Go Brazilian or just enjoy the new flowers that have spouted in the garden of love?? But if I do that I will have to admit to myself that I'm closer to 40 than the 20 I feel.

Sigh.. Getting old is grand.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Burning Question

Can you loose weight off your Vajayjay? HMMM. The reason I ask is things feel different down there. LOL. Like breasy when I walk. Maybe its because my thighs don't rub any more. KatieP mentioned in her blog once about how her butt cheeks have a bit of space or something to those words. That has happened to me too.

I had a lovely weekend at the farm, cutting wood and other farm duties. Sheep are very fat and happy. Life is good now im well!!

I hope all is well with everyone.


BTW: If you are burning down there you should see a doctor LOL

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sex and the Ctiy

I was one of those people who manage to get opening night tickets to Sex and the City.
I had a great night with my girlfriends, and I even had a bag of lollies with Diet Coke of course..LOL

Wanna know what happens? Does Carrie marry Big?

Ok well what happened was Carrie......................................................




Email me and I will let you know...LOL

Weight today: 61.2kgs, I love it when you are wearing size 28 Sass and Bide jeans,looking shit hot when you see people who have been nasty to you!! Grin. Some times you don't need to say a word.. A look is enough.
I'm feeling much better now. Went to the gym yesterday, I had to go down a little with my weights but my trainer said it wont take long to get back up there again.
Have a fantastic long weekend (Does all of Aust have it?) I'm going to the farm for a few days.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Walking Wilma

As most of you know from past posts, I have lost my licence for 6 months for speeding. Well loss of points from speeding in fact, not doing something really silly.
Today was my first non licence shopping day. (I did loose my licence last Wednesday but was too sick to care, I'm feeling 90% better now) Its so amazing the stuff you notice when your walking. I don't live far from town, about 3-2kms, but I live in the country. On the side of town I live there are mainly farms. About 12yrs ago the farm we live on was sub-divided, so there are a few smaller blocks (less than an acre) and a few larger blocks (3 acres, like mine). Ours was one of the original farms hence the reason my house is about 80+ yrs old. Most of the burbs is on the other side of town where the newer homes and most of the new estates are. With me? Good.
I noticed that almost every car that pasted me slowed down to look at me. That there is a local bus service. I noticed that heaps and heaps of people smoke and that there are some weired people around. I guess i noticed as when I was in the main street I didn't have the safety of my car to go to. I was quite organised with where I had to go so I didn't have to back track too much. Bank, Pharmacy, fruit shop, supermarket etc. I got my fruit and veg delivered the same with my groceries. Meaning I had very little to carry home. I was about 150ms from my driveway, walking past a neighbouring farm, when a big truck stopped not far in front of me. There was no reason for this truck to stop there. Alarm bells when off in my head. I took heaps of notice of this truck, name and number on the side etc. The guy got out whilst watching me and got under the trailer. I made a wide birth past him and he wasn't doing anything under the trailer, just watching me. I quickened my step and he called out to me. "Have you got far to go with all those bags?" ( I had bugger all with me) I yelled nope I'm only a few houses away. He watched me walk all the way home, then drove off.
I wonder what would have happened if I didn't quicken my step or have taken a wide birth??
Just goes to prove you should listen to your sixth sense!!

BTW; Walking isn't all that bad and my arse is thanking me.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 7 of illness

It has been 7 days since I have felt like a human. I'm just starting to feel alittle better today. I'm telling you this flu has put me on my arse.
I don't understand why when I'm fit and healthy, I could get this sick. My whole family has it. Lucy is well now but Tom got it yesterday. Poor Pete is in Melbourne working with it.
As I have lost my licence, I was even too sick to get to the doctors, so I cancelled the appointment.
Tomorrow is another day! A well one I hope. At this stage I still think a gym visit is a few days away.
Thanks for every ones kind words.

PS: Katie, you look awesome, sorry for the lack of comments.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Not Dead

Nah not dead just wishing I was.. I'm bloody sick. I have the flu. Not one of these pissey colds that some people call the flu as the smile at you. I'm talking, body aching, sweating, vomiting, diarrhoea, razor blades in my chest, coughing up stuff that I didnt know could come out of your body, runny nose, blocked nose dizzy, non eating flu.
I've had it since Sunday. (Which I will add I got whilst I was on a 12hr drive for work) Today is Thursday and im still sick..

Yeah im feeling sorry for myself..

I'm going back to bed!

PS: The flu is great for weight loss.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend Wedding Pics

Ohh dont you love a good wedding?
This was fantastic. Half of the people there didnt know there was going to be a wedding. In fact no one was supsoe to know but my sister inlaw has a bloody big mouth. The celebrant came and went during the meal. No one took any notice of him. We slipped away and got changed. The music started and out I came first with my little neice as the flower girl. (of course I was crying like a baby.) then the bridesmade cause I was the best man. Then the bride.. Everyone was in shock. Most people were crying too. It was a lovely service.., romantic, short and sweet.

The top pic is of my brother and myself...yeah it was later in the night.

The next pic is of Miss Feral 14, my girl Lucy.

And before I forget...look how bloody skinny I am..size 8 girlfriend!!!

All my family were shocked, and kept asking my secret to weightloss.. HaHa Ha.
I said, running my arse off, weight training and eating well.

Okies bedtime for me!

Have a great week! No doubt you will be hearing from me again. Donna tagged me..woohoo.


What a ripper of a Weekend.

Hey All,
WOW what a weekend it was. A bloody ripper. As you know we had the christening of my nephew and now godson.. Isn't he cute? Well he does look better in the flesh.
I had my hair and make up done for the occasion. Hmm well for $130. I came away looking like a Hi5 wannabe drag queen on crack! Needless to say I fixed my hair a little and cleaned up the make up a tad. After this we went to the reception center for a feast.. Yep I did eat. I'm scared to weigh in the morning but you know what? I couldn't careless. Its not like I do it everyday. I love my shirt. It is a Alex Perry and Im not ashamed to say I almost spent a weeks wages on it. Shame I had to wear a jacket with it. (It was an Alana Hill jacket..yep bragging again)

Now check out the wedding post!

Friday, May 16, 2008

New Goal

Just to bore the shit out of you all, in this my non weight loss blog.
I have spoken to the one who knows best and we have decided that 60kgs is a good weight for me.
BUT I will add im still eating wedding cake on Sunday. Im best man for my brother..LOL
Also god mother to his little man....I'm so excited!
Pic will come...
Have a good weekend!

Lost and Found

LOST: Another kilo Now 62kgs. Yay also at goal. Not sure if this if the final goal or not.. Maybe 60kgs will be. Is anyone ever happy with their weight?

FOUND: My new body under all the blubber, and my new found freedom that serious weight loss brings. I will blog about this some other time..

Have a fantastic week, I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow!! Yay!

BTW: If anyone finds that Kilo I lost people don't return it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thanks So Much!

Thanks so much to everyone who left some really kind comments about my milestone.
I cant wait to show off my body at the Christening/Wedding this weekend.
Yep I'm wearing a size 8 dress. I will post pics early next week.
Miss Tiny Donna is going great guns with her weight loss. I'm so proud of her..
Hope all is well with everyone. I'm reading all the blogs.. Bugger all is new with me except..I weighed in at 62.4kgs Yayyy!

My new trainer is kicking my size 8-10 arse big time. She is fantastic...she does make me swear, that is when I can catch my breath. I'm lifting weights that are much heavier than I would even think of lifting. Thanks Miss W.

New post when something happens or early next week with pics.


Saturday, May 10, 2008


I have reached a milestone today.

I weighed in at 63kilos exactly.


WAS: 113kgs

NOW: 63kgs


Fucking good effort if I do say so myself.

**** Anyone notice that this is becoming another bloody weightloss blog???

Friday, May 9, 2008


I had to buy all new undies, cause they are all to BIG!

Earth shattering stuff....



Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ive Got A New Trainer.

Hey All,
A new challenge has started at the gym. Who am I to say no? After all I did win the last one at the gym...(Bragging) This challenge is 2 PT sessions a week and a written plan for the rest of the week. Yesterday was my first session.. OMG!! A serious weight session..I'm lifting much heaver weights than I have ever done. Goes to prove you can do much more than you think you can do. I mentioned to my trainer that I might do a cardio session on my dreadmil at home. She said to me. "No might Cheryl, You will!" This chick reminds me of a Staffy. She is a small ball of muscle, a sweet smile and personality until provoked, then she strikes.. LOL..When I looked at her with eyes like saucers, She said. Well you don't have to like me..LOL. She is SO what a I need. Someone who wont take any shit from me.
This morning I woke up so tired and hungry. I'm having a massage today, and im really looking forward to it.

I'm off to do a bit of shopping today. I don't think I have mentioned it before but on the 18th of May, I'm a Godmother to my nephew. The same day but different venue my Brother and his Girl are getting married. I'm a witness/ bridesmaid in that. I need to find something to wear. Of course im going 2 different outfits. I know for the wedding I have to wear a black dress. I do have one which will do but, any excuse to get some new stuff.
I'm looking for something plain but shows off my figure. My family give me the shits. (Aunts, uncles and cousins) My weight is always the topic of convo. Fuck i started loosing weight in 2000. Ive been a normal size for about 5 yrs... Get over it.
Usually when I say hi and kiss them, the look me up and down and say..ohhh yes she has put on a few Kg, the another will say, Do you think so? All while im standing there. If the subject comes up on the 18th, Im telling them all to FUCK OFF. Im an adult, and I feel I have the right to say as I feel. Mind you Im the smallest they have seen me right now...This is why I know for sure the subject will come up.

Ok off to the shops for me!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend is over..Boooo

AHHHH, Weekend is over..way to quick for my liking. :(
I had the most relaxing weekend. We spent it at the farm. It was so peaceful. Telstra was doing its best to piss me off. The farms phone wasnt working again. 3rd time this year. I doubt we have made 5 calls all year. So if they charge me for rent, they will be hearing about it. Im not paying for something that doesnt work.

Don't I look stunning in the pic?? Yeah you know I do.The farm is as far away from Sydney fashion week at it gets.. That is Sam with me and Pixie is behind me, protecting me from any wild animals that should try to do me harm..Grin. To be honest I think she would run the other way!!

Im starting another challange at the gym today. This time it is 2 PT sessions a week, with weighins, fitness test etc. No doubt I will find out more when I have my first session this morning.

Well done to Miss TD for her loss in the past week! Go girl!!

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. No doubt you will be hearing from me again this week.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Big Brother.

I can't get channel 10 here, as I live in the arse end of nowhere. (Ok so its not the arse end but when im in my heels I can see it.)

I love Big Brother...Yep sad but true.

Is there anyway of watching it online????. I know they have the website and stuff, but I want to watch the daily show.

Life is back to normal...but for how long?

Hey all,
Life is back to normal...but for how long?
As I have said in a previous post school holidays mean travel for me. Mainly because Im not bound to working or doing stuff during school hours. Now the kids are back to school, life slows down alittle for me.
Last week I went to Melbourne twice!! Lucky I love driving and road trips.
Talking about driving, the dreaded letter came yesterday.

Dear Mrs Cheryl,
The law requires that a driver licence must be suspended if the holder has incurred 2 or more demerit points for offences committed during a period of good behaviour.
As a consequence of incurring the demerit points off the offences listed below, your unrestricted Class C driver licence will be suspended on and from 28 MAY 2008 for a period of 6 months.

You have been a bad girl. Bend over and get your arse smacked, and don't drive your (or anyone elses) bloody car!!!

SIGH!!!! So my bike is going to the shop for repairs, and it will be leg power all the way..LOL

It is so cold here right now, Im talking 9 deg. I HATE winter with a passion...HATE HATE HATE.

Hope everyone is well...


PS: Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to leave me a happy birthday comments, texts and phone calls. It was very sweet of you all!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Its my party and I can cry if I want to.

Hello my faithful readers..Grin
ANZAC DAY!! Today is a day when im proud to be an Australian. I'm so thankful for what our diggers have done for us.
Today im thinking about those lost in the war and those overseas and at home serving for our country!!

Lest We Forget.

Today is my birthday...Yay.. 39 big ones!
I'm very lucky and spoilt this year.
I got a lovely T&CO.® triple drop pendant. It tried to get a pic of the net (My camera has died, hence no pics of late) but It wouldn't let me download it but here is the link if you want to have a look.
I also got a weight bench, bar and some more weights for my gym.
Some lovely earrings from my daughter, they look shit in the this pic. They are little balls. Very nice!
My son got me a top and some socks from Lorna Jane.
Yep we did a spot of shopping whilst I was in Melbourne.
I'm back home and not going to the farm for the weekend as one of our staff members let us down and didn't turn up for work, so my darling Husband has to stay back and finish the job. It has cost this wanker his job. He was on $30 (fulltime) an hour with a car. Not bad for an unskilled labourer huh? We pay good money and get dickheads!!!!

On a brighter note my sweet little Pixie has joined the family and everyone loves her. She is a sweet little dog.

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!!


BTW: I'm pleased to report that the pants I wore to the christening are a little too big and I now weigh 63.4kgs, not bad huh?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Again.

Hey all
Its Sunday again!! Comes around so quick.

I have had a flat out week, its school holidays here in NSW, so for me that means travel.

We spent the earlier part of the week in Canberra, a few days at home then the weekend at the farm. We has an awesome time in Canberra, just not long enough.

I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow for a few days, then home for one then the farm for 3..Yay! I love my life.

I know your all going to hate me for saying this but its so bloody nice not to be tied down to a 9 to 5 job. Mine is flexible, so flexible that I work when I want to.
The bonus for being your own boss I guess.

Remember my darling little man Sam? Well when I was the gym on Friday, I saw the vet nurse. I was talking to her about Sam and about a little red healer pup called Pixie.
Pixie is the runt of the litter, her Mum is the Vets dog. Anyway sweet little Pixie, still hasn't got a home and she is 5 months old. She is tiny, I mean tiny. She is smaller than my corgi, My man Sam towers over her and they are the same age.
I mentioned this little pup to my husband. He said that is sad.
I forgot about it and went on with my day. The next day husband said to me, Well what time do you pick up Pixie?? I laughed and said what are you talking about? He said well I know you want her, go and get her!! I told he she was $250, he said, So?, she's yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I picked up my new daughter on Saturday, I'm SO in love. She wants me to carry her around and loves cuddles, Lucky I love giving them to her.
So little Miss Pixie is coming to Melbourne.. Yay!! Photos soon.

I really think im becoming an animal hoarder..I'm serious!!
Last count:
4 Dogs.
3 Cats
4 Chickens
2 Hermit Crabs
200 sheep
4 Cows
1000 goats
2 Kids (My kids not the goats..Grin)
1 Husband.

No more animals for me, well domestic ones anyway, I will get some more sheep and cows and no doubt the goats will breed.

On the weight loss and fitness side, I'm looking shit hot!.
Not as skinny or as fit as others who blog but I'm looking the best I've looked for a long time. I'm feel fit, healthy and strong.
This girl at the gym, who I hardly know, more or less just a hi, how are you? sort of relationship, isn't talking to me. In fact totally ignoring me.
I asked around and its because when she sees people make progress she gets shitty.
She works out all week, then eats crap and drinks too much...Only herself to blame.
So Miss C, if your reading this..FUCK OFF CAUSE I LOOK HOT!!!

Its my birthday on Friday( Yes all of Australia can have a long weekend for me, Funny how Anzac day is the same day. Huh?) Im 39. Its my last year of being in my 30's. When I turned 30 I was so stressed out about it. Im really excitied about turning 40.
My 30's have been the best years of my life and I honestly think my 40's are going to be even better!

Have a fantastic week my friends.

Will post again later in the week if I get a chance.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Your Body Image is 24% Unhealthy, 76% Healthy

You're body image is quite healthy, though you're sometimes a little bit too hard on yourself.

Chances are you've got a rockin' body - so enjoy it!

Stolen from Nikkid

Im How Old?

You Act Like You Are 30 Years Old

You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

You're responsible, wise, and have enough experience to understand a lot of the world.

You're at the point in your life where you understand yourself pretty well.

You are figuring out what you want... and how to get it!

I am 30 something!! LOL

Stolen from Nikkid

Friday, April 11, 2008

I am a WINNER!!

Hey Hey
Yep I'm am a winner..with a capital W.
Why I hear you ask?
I don't really blog much about my weight and fitness stuff but this post is going to be about just that.
If you have a look at my ticker above, (Is ok, I will wait while you look)
I have lost a shit load of weight. Was 113kgs (8yrs ago) Now 64.6 today.
I have been doing a Mothers Challenge Boot camp.
3 days a week for an hour at a time running, weights, boxing etc.
I was really hoping it would be full of overweight women who have just dropped out a baby in the last day or so. This would give me a fighting chance.
But nope...most were young (Hmmm) and slim with alittle pot belly. There were a few who were alittle bigger than me.
Today at our end of challenge coffee morning, I was presented with the over all winning prize of a massage and detox sauna and spa treatment at one of the nicer spas in town!!
Over all in 6 weeks I have lost 16.5cm off my body and 4kgs!!
And guess what???
So I'm feeling quite smug today and you never know I might even bore you with a few more weight loss and fitness posts..
I have to thank the lovely Liz for all her help with my eating, and I also have to thank my legs for letting me run so much.

Have a great weekend all. I'm going to be the traveling woman over the next week or so. I'm going to Canberra on Monday and Tuesday. Hobart from Thurs to Sunday if all my meetings go ahead. So stay tuned!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

2 Posts in one day!!

Stolen from Miss Tiny Donna

You Are a Comma
You are open minded and extremely optimistic.
You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.
You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.
(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark">What Punctuation Mark Are You?

Fuck im fantastic!! Arn't you lucky you know me?? LMAO

An amazing elephant story...

In 1986, Dan Harrison (see picture above)was on holiday in Kenya after graduatingfrom Northwestern University.On a hike through the bush, he came acrossa young bull elephant standing with one legraised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed,so Dan approached it very carefully.He got down on one knee and inspected theelephant's foot and found a large piece of wooddeeply embedded in it.As carefully and as gently as he could, Dan workedthe wood out with his hunting knife, after which theelephant gingerly put down its foot.The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Dan stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled.Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Dan never forgot that elephant or the events of that day. Twenty years later, Dan was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenaged son.As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Dan and his son Dan Jr. were standing.The large bull elephant stared at Dan, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter in 1986, Dan couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant.Dan summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Dan's legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly .Probably wasn't the same elephant.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hmmmm Is this Right?


Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Yeah I stole this from Donna LOL

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hey All,

Just a few pics for you viewing pleasure....or burn your eyes, Whatever happens first.

Top pic is of my kidlets. Lucy and Tom, Bottom pic is some woman I saw walking so I asked her to stand with my son...LOL

We went to a christening yesterday. I was going to wear a dress but it was cold..Im so glad I didnt because almost everyone wasnt really dressed up....And no I don't have jeans on, they are pants.

I have been tagged by my darling Miss TD, I will do it in my next post.

Still no word from the RTA about my licence...Is this good? or is this normal for it to take longer that 2 weeks??

Anyway until next post....



Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yep its over...I call it eater, cause that is what I tend to do over the 4 day break. Where is the "S"?
Here it is!! Its me...S is for Sloth. I didn't do any exercise over eater.

My husband is away for 2 I can do as I please and not worry if he has clean undies for the next day.

I called a lawyer regarding my loss of licence and all he could say is....Get a bike...LOL.

I haven't got the letter from the RTA as yet, but im sure its in the mail.

I will have the best arse and legs after 6 months of bike riding...I will have to ride my bike to spin class, how funny is that???

Anyway back to Easter. We went camping for a few days and then to the farm for a few more days.

As always bugger all has happened to me...

Im off to bootcamp...

Have a great day my friends!!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Ohh yes for I have sinned. Its been way to bloody long since my last blog. Im here to repent. or not...LOL
Yeah yeah, life got in the way of some serious blogging.

So whats new in my life?? Ohh where to start
1/ Work is flat out
2/ Have and still doing a Farm Chemical course
3/ Have crutched some sheep. (that's clean up their face and arse by shearing) Well not me personally but I did help a little
4/ Got daughters school suspension cut in half by acting like im a caring Mother. (The reason for her suspension will be in another post.)
5/ I think Ive lost my licence for speeding...bugger, fuck, poo, crap, fuck!! I still haven't told my husband this yet........sigh
6/ My new child (Sam the non wonky eyed pup) Is grown up to be a big man
7/Doing some serious saving for my trip to Melbourne in the school holidays, retail therapy..Ohh yeah baby!!!
8/ Reading everyones blogs..yep I have been.
9/Running my fat arse off...well trying too.
10/ Hmmm cant think of much more, but im sure there is.

Bo: I know you missed me ...LOL

I will post again very soon.........I will.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Bloody Housework!

Fuck I hate it! Housework, its a bad word to me. Its a never ending thankless task. Pisses me of to no end. Mind you I would rather do it than live in filth

On a brighter note my boy Tom (11) and I went to the movies to see Jumper tonight. Was really great! Not as good as Juno though.

I'm becoming a movie whore, I went on tightarse Tuesday to see P.S I love you. Take your tissues to that one! It was full of middle age women all sooking..LOL. Yeah I shed a tear but im not middle aged. (feels like it somedays)

Husband will be home tomorrow, Yay! Then working locally for a few weeks. This is good and bad. It means I have to be a bit more organised but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep the kids under control.

Has anyone else noticed that spell check isnt working? I cant spell for shit...But im a lover not a speller...Grin.

There you go Miss E, another post about bugger all...LOL

Love you long time!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

What a Wanker!! You Bet.

HOT OR WHAT??? Ohh don't answer that one!

Yay!! New Hair.

Well it was time for new hair. Its a bit darker than what i usally have, but hey I like it anyway.

My daughter has just informed me that I look like a rabbit with my teeth in this pic. She is feral I tell ya!!! Its so hard to take a pic of yourself, Well for me it is anyway cause its not really my thing. Its also a nude pic, yep no make up...LOL
Had a great day today, i decided to spoil myself. The hairdresser I go to had some packages, so who am I to say no.
Todays visit included:
Hair cut and colour
Facial (the reason that this is a no make up photo)
Eyebrows and lip wax...yep I do have a mo that needs to be kept in check.
Eye lash tint
So now Im broke, but that is why my husband works, to keep me happy!! I have to keep reminding him of this fact.
Darling Miss E, said in her blog that the blogging world is very quite...Hmm well as I do bugger all then I have bugger all to blog about..I will try a bit harder for you Miss E.
On sunday when I was at our farm I stubbed my little toe, it is as black as black and I cant wear shoes, so no gym for me this week, so I have just done what I could at home.
I will tell you all about our farm. We call it a farm but its not really, Its a sheep station. You know one of those once that doesnt have an address just a name and area.
All 31,000 acers of it. We have a house there, its quite old and run down but its a great weekender. We have Marino sheep on the property, we were going to do some cropping this year but it is all so expensive. Like oat is $600+ a ton. Last year it was only about $300 a ton.
So we have decided to just buy a few ton and store it so until next year and buy some more then. We crop about 900 acers. You can see pics here. This pic was taken a few years ago but im pleased to say it is very green, with almost knee high grass in some places and all of our dams are full to overflowing. yay! We have very fat kangaroos and emus...LOL
A few people think I live on this station but I dont. I live 2.5hrs away in a large reogonal town on 3 acers. This is Old McDonalds farm, I house the zoo here mentioned In a few posts again.
Now dont you all feel lucky that you know a little more about me??
Couldnt give a shit could you? LOL..Fair enough but atleast I posted a new post..LOL

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ohh Isnt He Cute?

I found Sam asleep like this, How cute huh? It means he wont have any trouble with his hips.
2 Mins after this pic was taken the little turd pissed on the floor....AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Is This Love???

Yes its puppy love...........Sam is the newest member of the family, here at Old McDonalds Farm. He is now 9 weeks old.
Gotta love a cattle dog pup, but im telling you they are so naughty for about 2-3 yrs. They forget to grow up I think. I live on 3 acres here so all my babies have lots of room to move.
The count so far is..
3 dogs
3 cats
4 chickens
2 hermit crabs
2 kids
1 husband

I have found my mojo and I have a very sore arse to prove it. I think I lost it because I was doing it all at home, now im back at the gym, im enjoying it so much more!

Hope everyone is well, I have been reading everyones blogs, just hardly comment.

Miss KatieP, Im so proud of your decision, im so looking forward to following your journey!


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yeah Yeah Whatever!

Yeah Yeah Whatever!
Yeah I know ive blogged bugger all of late and hardly left any comments. This is because im too bloody busy feeling sorry for myself. I’ve lost all motivation for my BFL thing I was doing. Kek my love has been fantastic and so have other bloggers...Donna, love ya long time darlin! Anyway the fact its im having a fucked head moment, but, im warning you, I will be back...hey im not going anywhere, I mean my motivation. LOL..makes sense? Nah, See now you know how I feel and it’s my bloody head space!! RRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.

I’m going to Melbourne again this weekend to drop off a gun for repair..Ohh you didn’t know I was a shooter did you? No end to this girl’s talent. We also have to pick up non wonky eye pup, Sam.

Anyway im off to convince myself to suck it up sister and get on with it!!!!

Ohh yes, BTW If your blog is off my blog roll, it’s because I lost all of them when I changed my background, so sorry if ive missed you, And don’t feel bad for removing me off yours cause for me, life (and blogging) isn’t a popularity contest...Grin.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Movies and Mobiles

Last night Miss Feral Fourteen and I went to the movies to see Juno. This movie was fantastic. If you want a light hearted, entertaining movie this is the one to go and see. It is even nominated for an Oscar! The highlight of the night was when one of the people in the cinemas decided that they were important enough to take a phone call during the movie. They were a few rows back from me but were loud enough for me to know that they were organising lunch for today.
This is SO rude!! Fuck I was pissed off. Fair dinkum if this woman didn't leave as soon as the lights when on I would have given her a piece of my mind. I even tried to find her outside but she had left... Is there anywhere where left that I can go and not hear a mobile phone ring and people feel they must take the call??? It wasn't long ago that you would be frowned upon for using a phone in a restaurant, now it is the norm. I really hate it when your talking to someone face to face and their phone rings, they usually say nothing to you, answer the phone, talk about the weather with whoever is on the other end and leave you standing their like a dickhead!! I understand if your waiting for an important phone call but seriously, Is life that important that you have to discuss the weather????

Just a wine opps I mean whine for the day!
Gotta go my mobile is ringing...............................................

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Note to woman in the supermarket:
Black undies under white pants is NOT a good look regardless of how small your arse is!!

OMG Heath Ledger Died

Bugger Heath Ledger died, I wanted to have babies with that man. :(

Friday, January 18, 2008

The DEVIL made me do it.

Last night after surviving cleaning out Miss Feral Fourteens bedroom, and successfully finding enough evidence of food that would free the world of famine, I sat down to watch the tennis.
WOW (that is Kylie Minogue's new song btw) What a game, Marcos Baghdatis played like a star beating Marat Safin. I know you stayed up and watched the tennis Miss D. Did you Miss Kitty? You should have heard the Greeks hooting and hollering at Baghdatis. So loud the police should have hit them with a bit of tzatzki spray. I live in an old Federation home. I have lived here for 2 years. When I first moved in, I was scared it was haunted. Down the hallway is what I call the kids toilet cause its closest to their rooms. When you flush it sometimes it keeps running. During the 5th set, I could hear a flush of water. I went to check. The toilet was refilling but yet no one had been near the toilet. Hmmmm. I had a Diet Coke and went to the other toilet, I felt quite skinny.(Yep girls you know what I mean), so I went to the kids bathroom to weight myself.. Guess what I weighed?

66.6 Did I shit my pants?? You bet

Ohh yes for the record, I was right with the skinny thought, I weighed heaps less this morning.

Have a great Weekend all.. Im having visitors for the weekend, so bugger all blogging for me!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tom's Surgery Update.

We had Tom's post surgery check up and everything is fantastic!! The grafts have taken , fingers crossed in a few weeks this will all be a thing of the past. Thank god its been going on for almost 3 months now. Its taking it out of his old mumma ..Grin.

Plaster is off and Tom's a happy boy..We will still have some more dressing changes.

Thanks so much for everyones best wishes..Im sure it helped.

So bloody hot here again today...37 right now..I did get an early morning workout done, so im happy!

Miss Feral Fourteen (Lucy) comes home on Friday or Saturday. after being in Melbourne for over 2 weeks. I miss my girl, she calls me about 5 times a day. This is the longest she has been away from me. Even though she is a bitch (I kid you not) She is special because she was born at 29 weeks and not even 3lbs. We didn't know if she would live but she is such a strong willed kid, I'm sure even God wasn't ready to take her back yet, and he wanted me to suffer her teenage years..LOL... At the moment she is on the beach at Phillip Island Vic with my best friend and her kids.

Okies bloody housework awaits...sigh...I wish the domestic fairy would pay me a visit. Everyone around here things she comes all the time AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yoga DVD

Can anyone know of a good Yoga DVD? I have been doing it for a few months now, but I have been going to a class once a week. I would really like a DVD I can do at home. I have the Weight Watchers one but its very very basic.

Hmmm any ideas???


Things Im Loving.

Hey All, As I have been whining a lot of late I thought I would let you know of some of the things im loving right now.

My Ipod armband. I brought a cheap silicon one with a shitty band on hurt to wear. I found this in Target the other day, and yep IM LOVING IT!

This is so yummy!! Reminds me of Split Ice creams. Sometimes there is only so much plain water you can drink. I only ever have this after I have drunk atleast 1.5lts of plain water. Im LOVING IT!
I have just finished training for the day, and Im feeling great.
Hope everyone is having a great day too!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Surfing.

Because bugger all happens to me, im going to post something that I find when I do a little Sunday Surfing.
I shall call this one, Don't piss off your plastic surgeon.
Anyone have any better captions??

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Stole This From Another Blog.

The Recipe For Cheryl

3 parts Passion

2 parts Tolerance

1 part Tease

Splash of Glamour

Finish off with a squeeze of lime juice

Show Me Your Map of Tassie.

I was reading the news today and I found this about Married twins in UK who were forced to break up. I lived in Tassie for 11yrs. Whilst I was living there I knew this couple who are married and they are half brother and sister. They both have the same Dad and the woman didn't need to change her surname when she got married. They were quite a nice couple and I taught their kids to swim.
I'm telling you much more of this kind of shenanigans goes on than we know!
I'm not going to go on about living in Tassie as I know I will offend people, but I will say that they are a bit different...
My view on Tassie is........... Nice place to visit, just don't loose your return ticket!