Friday, April 11, 2008

I am a WINNER!!

Hey Hey
Yep I'm am a winner..with a capital W.
Why I hear you ask?
I don't really blog much about my weight and fitness stuff but this post is going to be about just that.
If you have a look at my ticker above, (Is ok, I will wait while you look)
I have lost a shit load of weight. Was 113kgs (8yrs ago) Now 64.6 today.
I have been doing a Mothers Challenge Boot camp.
3 days a week for an hour at a time running, weights, boxing etc.
I was really hoping it would be full of overweight women who have just dropped out a baby in the last day or so. This would give me a fighting chance.
But nope...most were young (Hmmm) and slim with alittle pot belly. There were a few who were alittle bigger than me.
Today at our end of challenge coffee morning, I was presented with the over all winning prize of a massage and detox sauna and spa treatment at one of the nicer spas in town!!
Over all in 6 weeks I have lost 16.5cm off my body and 4kgs!!
And guess what???
So I'm feeling quite smug today and you never know I might even bore you with a few more weight loss and fitness posts..
I have to thank the lovely Liz for all her help with my eating, and I also have to thank my legs for letting me run so much.

Have a great weekend all. I'm going to be the traveling woman over the next week or so. I'm going to Canberra on Monday and Tuesday. Hobart from Thurs to Sunday if all my meetings go ahead. So stay tuned!!


Anonymous said...

congrats pretty woman!!

Anonymous said...

you are fucking awesome! go team!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Well done love, that is fab!!

Waffles said...

Well who's a fucking smart arse then!!!!! lol, no really congrats!! that is awesome and what a lovely prize!!!

Enjoy next week:)

Bo Bo said...

Well done grandma