Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pig Hunters

I have just got a phone call from my husband who is at our Sheep Station in the arse end of nowhere. Someone has cut the fences and broken in to the house. Nothing was taken but it is going to cost $ and time to fix the fence. When you have large property the fencing goes for many Kms before there is a need for a strainer post. From this one cut we have to repair over 1km of fencing. Bugger.

Bloody pig hunters are to blame. Pig hunting is a very cruel sport, In fact its not a sport at all! These guys (mainly guys but I know of some women who do it too) Hunt the pig down using dogs, once the dog has the pig on the ground, the men (if you call them that) slit the pigs throat. Most of the time the die straight away but not always. Mind you this after the pig has been mauled by 3 or 4 pig dogs, bull mastiffs and the like. 9 times out of 10 the dogs get ripped up by the pig's tusks. The hunter then sews the dog up themselves How can you call that a sport. Yes the pigs are feral and are a pest as the dig huge wallowing holes and in numbers make paddocks useless for farming, but there is not need to be cruel. Yes we have pigs, yes we shoot them, NO DOGS or KNIVES!. Most of the people who do this are from larger towns or city slickers out for a cheap thrill. Not to mention the damage the hunters do to the farmers fencing, and trespassing is against the law!
Makes me sick!


Anonymous said...

You've been tagged babe, details on my blog.

Sea-Cat said...

yo!!! sexy woman! :P

i'm baaaack!