Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Me Me

Hey Everyone!
Yep I am alive and kickin. Just SO busy. This working thing is just taking up so much of my time Ppfff.

This sweetheart has tagged me. Ok so now for some random stuff about me.

1. I'm a bit of a control freak. I like to organise everything. Much to my kids dismay, I drive them nuts about stuff like, You did put that express bag in the yellow express box?? The off spring are now 12 & 15, I think they know what the express box looks like. I need to chill out a bit!

2. I'm very fussy when it come to the cutlery I use. (Only at home)
I like my forks to not have long prongs on them. I have a special fork, its just mine, I get pissed if anyone use it. It's about 30yrs old, and almost had it. If for some reason this fork isn't around,I use entree forks. I eat my oats or ice cream with a teaspoon.

3. I am an all or nothing person. I'm perfect at what I do or else I don't do it. This needs to change, but at the same time I'm willing to give most things a go.

4. I really doubted myself when it came to running our company, but I'm seriously kicking arse. I have saved the company about $60grand a year already. I do love my job, just wish it didn't take up so much time, but the travel is fantastic.

5. We are in negotiations with an overseas company and if things workout we will be living else where for a while. Seriously early days yet.

6. I love living 6 hours from my family. I really love them but I don't have all the dramas that go along with it.

7. I'm very independent. If something has to get done, I will do it alone, I wont ask for help,unless I pay for that help. I hate to think I owe someone something.

8. I really enjoy my own company. I like to do my own thing, I don't like people just popping around for coffee or a chat without a call first. All my true friends know this. It's not cause I don't want to see them or anything like that, its just I'm not really pop in for coffee kind a person. I would NEVER just visit someone without calling. I love to catch up with people but more when it suits me.

9. I can't spell. Thank god for spellcheck. I just have to make sure it is on Aussie spelling or else im stuffed.

10. I turn 40 on Saturday. My family are coming to visit me. Whilst I know they are coming to be kind but they don't understand that they are creating more work for me. I should be visiting them, then when I have had enough I can come home. Selfish? you bet!

11. A wise lady once told me that when you turn 40 things change. She told me that you don't tend to care what people think of you so much.
For me this is SO true. I couldn't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks. My attitude to life and people in general has changed heaps since my husband affair last year. I think for the better. I'm a much better business woman, Mum and Wife. I do NOT take crap from anyone, Kids, Husband, or anyone else. If you shit me, usually it is like water off a ducks back. I don't care.. LOL I will speak my peace if I feel its worth it, most of the time it isn't.

So if you like this post, great, If not.. Well go fuck yourself...



Friday said...

I love you so hard!!

Chris H said...

Jesus! You and me are bloody twins!