Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Cable Guy

Hey All,
As I'm sure I have mentioned in another post,(Sorry cant be bothered linking it)our business manager in Tassie has resigned. We have decided to close down our Tassie operations and bring it all to NSW. We have a cottage on our property (10sq) of which I'm turning in to the new headquarters of our company. Mainly so we don't have to pay rent for an office. I think it will work out fantastic as when i close the cottage door and walk to my house, I'm effectively leaving work, well that is the plan anyway. When we were quite small, I use to run the business from a spare room at home, but it gave me the shits as I never left home!!

Anyway back to the story at hand. I have been dealing with contractors of all sorts getting the cottage in to office mode. Ie: Builders for a new internal wall and a mezzanine level for storage. The cottage sort of look like a church. I will post pics soon. I also have to deal with painters, electricians and finally the cable guy. As our home was built in 1923 (or 24, I cant remember)the phone lines are only capable of running 2 lines. I need one for the house and 2 for the cottage, so therefore we need lay new cable. I had to get our services located (water, elect other phone etc) so we don't do any damage with the trenching machine. So out came the cable guy to do the locations and work out the best way to do it and what to do when talking to Testra. When he turned up he look familiar to me, yet I couldn't place him. We walked up the driveway (about 200 or so meters) and he almost tripped over. I did the best thing, I could think of at the time and pretend not to see it happen, all whilst trying not to piss my pants laughing. We did what we had to do there then he came to our meter box,where the phone lines go to and he hit his head really hard on the corner of the box. It must have really hurt but he started carry on like a kid,yeah fair enough it hurt, get over it lad! When my kids had a tantrum about stuff like this, I would give them a cuddle and say any blood? nah you will live. Usually all would be well and they would run off to play. So how did I handle the cable guy? I said "any blood?" Him "Nah" Me"Ok you will live" and just started talking about the job. No cuddle.
It was then I realised who he looked like.

Jim Carry from the Cable Guy.

Then I really laughed!!



Friday said...

Oh Chez.. that doesnt sound good.

Clumsy men shit me, Id get a new cable guy. Then again, might be good for blog fodder.

You sound better,when is your visit to melbourne woman?


Cheryl said...

Hey Miss F, Not 1005 sure, Could be as early as this Fri. Email me so I can keep in contact with you.