Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Im still around!

Hey Hey,

Yeah Yeah, im still alive. Im just finding that the days are flying by!!! I cant believe how quick the past few weeks have gone. It is now BFL week 3 day 3. Last week I lost 200gs, bet, ive worked my arse off, maybe not enough because its still bloody there!!!! But hey a loss is a loss.
This week im seriously struggling, not with the food, but with being so tired. I am dog tired. I think it is all starting to catch up on me.
I find my day is -
Getting kids ready for school
Driving them to school
Errands and housework
Then appointments Ie, Toms dressing change 3 times a week, Acupuncture twice a week.
Then dinner
Then housework and bed.
Im eating all the bloody time, Mind you I dont mind that bit too much.
Every bloody day is the same. Even my friend are calling wondering where I am.
Not to mention getting ready for Chrissie, but im bloody organised there, almost all done...yay!
God I sound like a whining old bitch!! But you know what?? I am....LOL

As you know ive been having acupuncture, i was a pessimist, as Ben told me he could fix me in a few weeks, phyisotherapist said it will be long term , maybe 6 months or more...
Im telling you that im 80% better after 3 weeks of acupuncture, 5 sessions.. that is it. Im now hooked!! Give me those needles any day! Im even doing weights with my right arm now, and that sexy brace that I know you were all jealous about is no longer needed...yay!!

Ohh yes I almost forget, I was at a spin class last Thursdays, peddling my little heart out when I looked up and saw myself in the mirror. (I usually dont look at myself, I tend to watch the person in front of me legs, so I know im doing it right.) I thought 'Fuck whats that on my shoulders" when i turned my head and looked it was.....MUSCLE DEFINITION!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, they looked bloody fantastic....I even had a singlet on and I dont usually wear them, maybe that is why i hadnt noticed before.
I have been reading everyones blogs, maybe not so many comments, dont know why, maybe just lazy...Grin
Enough for now..

Cheryl XXX

PS: Love to TD, im proud of you honey!


Anonymous said...

Hey gorgeous!!
The days are just flying by hey?
Have a great Christmas babe!!

Anonymous said...

Acupuncture is great isnt it. Terrifying but actually wonderful.

I agree about the time, its deinately flying. I feel like the older i get the faster it goes.

Belle said...

thanks poppet.. mwahhhhhhhhhhh!


(it's me on my sisters account hehe luv donna)