Friday, November 23, 2007

Busy Busy

Hey Everyone,
Life has been so busy this week. So it will be a quick post.
This has been my week.

- Husband home for a few days...Yay!

-Lots of rain the past few days....Yay!

- 3 Dressing changes on my sons skin graft, not healing as well that they would like. He had some granulation of the skin on the part that isnt healing, so they had to reburn it...EWWWW.
He is a tough kid and doing well with it all

-Running like a mad woman as im doing a Challange with Livy...Yay!

- I have been seriously watching my eating...Yay!

-I'm starting BFL with Kek early next week....Yay!

-I'm off to Rosebud Victoria for the weekend with Hubby and the kidlets...Yay!

So its all good.

Hope everyone else is well!

I'm off for a run, so have a great weekend all!

Cheryl xx


Sienna said...

You are doing so well! I used to live in Rosebud Victoria!! I cannot remember much however, as I was only a baby!!

Waffles said...

Woo Hoo, go you!!!! Sounds busy indeed.. Have a great weekend away:) My hubby is back for the weekend to:)


Anonymous said...

hehe my mum and sis just took off to rosebud for the week today too! say hi to them for me hehe x

Anonymous said...

p.s. my boyfriend and i also used to live in mornington :)

Nona said...

Really glad thing are going well for you. Enjoy your weekend.

I am sorry we didn't do our walk as a team. I didn't even realise that was possible until after we started. Oh well ... next time.

I have a little over 3,000 steps to my next checkpoint which if I remember correctly is Vancouver, so I actually think I'm going to get on my elliptical this weekend and cover those steps. LOL!!! Can't believe this is me talking.

Have a great weekend!!!