Monday, November 12, 2007

You know your a dickhead when..............

Morning All,
Yep as the heading suggests, Im a dickhead!
Above is my phone, It uses the Next G networks.(Dont get my bloody started on Telstra and Next G!!!!!!!!!!!)
I have had this phone for about a month now, Im quite retarded when it comes to any thing Tec. Such as DVD players, computers, phones etc. I usually get the kids to do everything.
For the past week, I have noticed that I couldnt hear anyone on the phone. I got the book out to find the volume button to no avail. I was so pissed off. My darling husband is away working to keep me in my palace and with all the luxuries a princess like me deserves..(Yeah right) I couldnt bloody hear him when he called. I finally worked out that the screen saver(the plastic thing on the glass bit) had moved over the ear speaker thing!!!! What a fucken dickhead huh?
God I even make our sheep worry!!!
I am so dumb when it comes to computers that i cant even work out how to put a list of the blogs I like to read on my blog, despite the fact that the lovely Tiny Donna gave me step by step instructions on how to do it. Sigh........................

Have a great Monday everyone!!


Waffles said...

lmao!! how funny, I do stupid things like that to!! just muck around with your template and you should work some stuff oput, it took my ages and a lot of ears!! but I got in the end:)

Good luck with BFL....


Ps my brain is back to normal now...I think!!

Waffles said...

'tears' I meant, see I can't fucken type either!!!

Diāna said...

A great Monday and the whole week to you too, but as to the phone story - I don't really believe men can really help as they seem to have sworn NEVER EVER to touch any manual or instructions. So they absolutely must figure stuff out themselves and that can lead to more damage. :)
My experience with men suggests that they try to force things where they don't go, then blame the manufacturer and make a fuss about it, break something, get completely nuts and THEN take a peek into the manual and find out everything was OK all along - i.e., before they got round to fixing things.

Sienna said...

You aren't a dickhead sweets. When I drove to this location 3 years ago, in the middle of the night, every man and his dog were flashing their lights urgently at me. I was so dog tired, I would wave, thinking they were alerting me to cops up ahead. It happened for about 5 hours. It wasn't until I reached my destination that I realized my lights were on HIGH BEAM the whole fucking way!! DERRRR!! Now that's a dickhead my friend!

By the way, you've been tagged, please see my blog for details.